Bad air in Lane County

This just in from LRAPA:

Lane County is currently experiencing a hazy and smoky forecast, which may affect air quality over the next few days. A shift in winds will increase the potential for smoke intrusions from the Southern Oregon and Northern California wildfires into the Willamette Valley. Wildfires are not uncommon this time of year, and thunderstorms are contributing to new fires every week.
“Air quality can change quickly and it would not be surprising to see levels in the moderate range with a wind shift,” says Jo Niehaus, spokesperson for the Lane Regional Air Protection Agency (LRAPA). “The smoky haze in the upper atmosphere has been quite noticeably obscuring views today.” Despite the haze and higher particulate levels, air quality lingers between the “good” and “moderate” air quality levels.
Residents who are sensitive to pollution are advised to use caution when participating in outdoor activities. Individuals with asthma, respiratory problems, or heart disease are advised to curtail vigorous activity when air quality deteriorates. The fine particles in the smoke are especially harmful because they are inhaled deep into the lungs and can enter the bloodstream. Residents experiencing health problems associated with the smoke and heat are encouraged to consult with their doctors.
LRAPA will be monitoring conditions and will provide updates as warranted. The public can track hourly particulate levels and view the Air Quality Index by logging onto the LRAPA website at For up-to-date information about the wildfires, including smoke dispersion forecasts, residents can check out an interagency blog:

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