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Posted 2024-07-25

Bulletin Board


We’re a group of White people in a racial-justice reading group, trying to educate the racism out of ourselves, and to equip ourselves to help educate the racism out of other White people. Presently reading and discussing The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness, by Michelle Alexander. Next book after that: The Rediscovery of America: Native Peoples and the Unmaking of U.S. History, by Ned Blackhawk. Join us! Contact:


Help Wanted

DISABILITY SERVICES ADVISORY COUNCIL SEEKING NEW MEMBERS Are you someone who lives with a disability? Do you have a passion for advocating for people with disabilities? Consider applying to be on the Senior & Disability Services (S&DS) Disability Services Advisory Council. S&DS provides all of Lane County with a wide range of publicly funded services for older adults and people with disabilities. Council members advise S&DS on services and programs, and they advocate on disability topics. For more information, call 541-682-4512 or e-mail or download an application on our website at Application deadline: July 31, 2024.

Seeking Pianist. Florence United Methodist Church seeking part time pianist. Job description & application visit or call 541-997-6025.

Home Services


Need help to build your new fence, deck or replace siding or any repairs call 541-870-3213

Home Services

Angela’s Affordable Cleaning and In Home Care, I’ve been providing reliable services to enhance your home and heath here in Lane County for over 4 year now. Contact Angela today and discover the difference. 541-290-1244 or

RELIABLE HANDYMAN SERVICES– YOUR ONE STOP SOLUTION FOR HOME REPAIR. Ready to get started? Call 541-780-5439 today for a free quote!


Rooms for Rent

1 RM ON 12th & TAYLOR Quiet street, close to UofO, 1 blck from bus. $600, $50 util. $200 dep+1st mo. Avail now. 503-481-8922

Comfortable, A/C Rooms, private bath etc. near bus & shopping, etc. No alcohol/drugs/smoking. $700-$1000. 364 Scotts Glen Dr. Between 4-6pm. Call Now 541-345-1678. Odd jobs for cash

Legal Notices

Legal Notices

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE COUNTY Probate Department. In the Matter of the Estate of Maria Del Rosario Ramirez-Toral, Deceased. Case No. 24PB06366 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Personal Representative. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present them, with vouchers attached, to the undersigned Personal Representative at 767 Willamette Street, Suite 302, Eugene, Oregon 97401, within four months after the date of publication of this notice, or the claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings may obtain additional information from the records of the Court, the Personal Representative, or the attorney for the Personal Representative, John C. Fisher. Dated and published on July 25th, 2024. José Alberto Toral Pacheco, Personal Representative

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MARION COUNTY Juvenile Department. In the Matter of ANUBIS GISELLE CAZ PELAYO, A Child. Case No.: 24JU02523 PUBLISHED SUMMONS TO: Zoila Reyna Pelayo Pelayo IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: A Petition has been filed asking the court to Terminate Mother’s Parental Rights for the above-named child. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO PERSONALLY APPEAR BEFORE the Marion County Juvenile Court at 2970 Center St. NE, Salem, OR 97301, on August 19, 2024, at 9:15 a.m. to admit or deny the allegations of the petition and to personally appear at any subsequent court-ordered hearings. YOU MUST APPEAR PERSONALLY IN THE COURTROOM ON THE DATE AND AT THE TIME LISTED ABOVE. AN ATTORNEY MAY NOT ATTEND THE HEARING IN YOUR PLACE. THEREFORE, YOU MUST APPEAR EVEN IF YOUR ATTORNEY ALSO APPEARS. This summons is published pursuant to the order of the circuit court judge of the above-entitled court, dated June 24, 2024. The order directs that this summons be published once each week for three consecutive weeks, making three publications in all, in a published newspaper of general circulation in Lane County, Oregon. Date of first publication: Thursday, July 18, 2024. Date of last publication: Thursday, August 1, 2024. NOTICE – READ THESE PAPERS CAREFULLY. If you do not appear personally before the court as directed above, or do not appear at any subsequent court-ordered hearings, the court may proceed in your absence and without further notice make such orders and take such action as authorized by law with regard to the above-named child either on the date specified in THIS SUMMONS OR ON A FUTURE DATE. RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS (1) YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO BE REPRESENTED BY AN ATTORNEY IN THIS MATTER. If you are currently represented by an attorney, CONTACT YOUR ATTORNEY IMMEDIATELY UPON RECEIVING THIS NOTICE. A previously appointed attorney may not be representing you in this matter. IF YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO HIRE AN ATTORNEY and you meet the state financial guidelines, you are entitled to have an attorney appointed for you at state expense. TO REQUEST APPOINTMENT OF AN ATTORNEY TO REPRESENT YOU AT STATE EXPENSE, YOU MUST IMMEDIATELY CONTACT the Marion County Juvenile Court at 2970 Center St. NE, Salem, OR 97301, phone number 503-588-5291, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. for further information. IF YOU WISH TO HIRE AN ATTORNEY, please retain one as soon as possible and have the attorney present at the above hearing. If you need help finding an attorney, you may call the Oregon State Bar Lawyer Referral Service at (503) 684-3763 or toll free in Oregon at (800)452-7636. IF YOU ARE REPRESENTED BY AN ATTORNEY, IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO MAINTAIN CONTACT WITH YOUR ATTORNEY AND TO KEEP YOUR ATTORNEY ADVISED OF YOUR WHEREABOUTS. (2) If you contest the petition, the court will schedule a hearing on the allegations of the petition and order you to appear personally and may schedule other hearings related to the petition and order you to appear personally. IF YOU ARE ORDERED TO APPEAR, YOU MUST APPEAR PERSONALLY IN THE COURTROOM, UNLESS THE COURT HAS GRANTED YOU AN EXCEPTION IN ADVANCE UNDER ORS 419B.918 TO APPEAR BY OTHER MEANS INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, TELEPHONIC OR OTHER ELECTRONIC MEANS. AN ATTORNEY MAY NOT ATTEND THE HEARING(S) IN YOUR PLACE. PETITIONER ATTORNEY Amanda M. Harmon, #133801 Senior Assistant Attorney General Department of Justice 1162 Court Street NE Salem , OR 97301 Phone: (503) 934-4400 ISSUED this 25th day of June 2024. Issued by: Amanda M. Harmon, #133801 Senior Assistant Attorney General. EN EL TRIBUNAL DEL CIRCUITO DEL ESTADO DE OREGON PARA EL CONDADO DE MARION Departamento de Menores. En el asunto de ANUBIS GISELLE CAZ PELAYO, Una menor de edad. Número de caso: 24JU02523 CITACIÓN PUBLICADA. PARA: Zoila Reyna Pelayo Pelayo EN NOMBRE DEL ESTADO DE OREGON: Se ha presentado una petición en la que se solicita al tribunal la terminación de la patria potestad de la madre sobre la menor arriba mencionada. SE REQUIERE SU COMPARECENCIA ANTE el Tribunal de Menores del Condado de Marion en 2970 Center Sr. NE Salen, OR 97301, el 19 de agosto de 2024, a las 9:15 a. m. para admitir o denegar las acusaciones de la petición, así como también deberá comparecer personalmente en cualquier audiencia subsiguiente por orden judicial. DEBE COMPARECER PERSONALMENTE EN EL TRIBUNAL EN LA FECHA Y HORAS MENCIONADAS ANTERIORMENTE. NO PUEDE COMPARECER UN ABOGADO EN SU NOMBRE A LA AUDIENCIA. POR LO TANTO, USTED DEBE COMPARECER AUN SI SU ABOGADO TAMBIÉN LO HACE. Esta citación se publica en conformidad con la orden del juez del circuito del tribunal arriba mencionado, con fecha 24 de junio de 2024. Esta orden indica que esta citación se publique una vez por semana durante tres semanas consecutivas, con lo cual serán tres publicaciones en total, en un periódico de amplia tirada en el condado de Lane, Oregon. Fecha de la primera publicación: Jueves, 18 de julio de 2024 Fecha de la última publicación: Jueves, 1 de agosto de 2024 AVISO: LEA CUIDADOSAMENTE ESTOS DOCUMENTOS Si no comparece personalmente ante el tribunal, como se indica anteriormente, o si no comparece en cualquier audiencia subsecuente ordenada por el tribunal, el tribunal puede proceder en su ausencia y sin comunicación adicional puede dictar órdenes o tomar acciones, tal y como está autorizado por la ley con respecto a la menor arriba mencionada sobre la fecha especificada en ESTA CITACIÓN O EN UNA FECHA FUTURA .DERECHOS Y OBLIGACIONES (1) TIENE DERECHO A CONTAR CON LA REPRESENTACIÓN DE UN ABOGADO EN ESTE ASUNTO. Si actualmente la representa un abogado, COMUNÍQUESE CON SU ABOGADO INMEDIATAMENTE AL RECIBIR ESTE AVISO. Un abogado nombrado anteriormente podría no estar representándola en este asunto. SI NO PUEDE PAGAR UN ABOGADO y cumple con los lineamientos financieros del estado, tiene derecho a que se le designe un abogado con los costos cubiertos por el estado. PARA SOLICITAR LA DESIGNACIÓN DE UN ABOGADO PARA QUE LA REPRESENTE A CUENTA DEL ESTADO, DEBE COMUNICARSE DE INMEDIATO al Tribunal de Menores del Condado de Marion en 2970 Center St. NE, Salem, OR 97301, número de teléfono 503-588-5291, entre las 8:00 a. m. y las 5:00 p. m. obtener más información. SI DESEA CONTRATAR UN ABOGADO, por favor hágalo lo antes posible y asegúrese de que su abogado esté presente en la audiencia mencionada anteriormente. Si necesita ayuda para encontrar a un abogado, puede llamar al Servicio de Referencia del Colegio de Abogados del Estado de Oregon, al (503) 684-3763 o al (800) 452-7636, número gratuito de Oregon. SI CUENTA CON LA REPRESENTACIÓN DE UN ABOGADO, ES SU RESPONSABILIDAD MANTENERSE EN CONTACTO CON SU ABOGADO Y MANTENERLO INFORMADO SOBRE SU PARADERO. (2) Si usted se opone a la petición, el tribunal programará una audiencia sobre los alegatos de la petición y le ordenará que se presente personalmente y puede programar otras audiencias relacionadas con la petición y ordenarle que comparezca personalmente. SI SE LE ORDENA QUE COMPAREZCA, DEBE PRESENTARSE PERSONALMENTE EN EL TRIBUNAL, A MENOS QUE EL TRIBUNAL LE HAYA OTORGADO UNA DISPENSA POR ADELANTADO EN CONFORMIDAD CON LA LEY ORS 419B.918 PARA COMPARECER POR OTRO MEDIO, QUE INCLUYE, PERO NO SE LIMITA, AL TELÉFONO U OTROS MEDIOS ELECTRÓNICOS. NO PUEDE PRESENTARSE UN ABOGADO EN SU NOMBRE A LA(S) AUDIENCIA(S). ABOGADA DEL/DE LA PETICIONARIO/A Amanda M. Harmon, #133801 Fiscal General Adjunta Sénior Departamento de Justicia 1162 Court Street NE, Salem, OR 97301 Teléfono: (503) 934-4400 EMITIDA este 25 de junio de 2024. Emitido por: Amanda M. Harmon, #133801 Fiscal General Adjunta Sénior

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MARION COUNTY Juvenile Department. In the Matter of KAISHA JERMAINE PELAYO, A Child. Case No.: 24JU02521 PUBLISHED SUMMONS TO: Zoila Reyna Pelayo Pelayo IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: A Petition has been filed asking the court to Terminate Mother’s Parental Rights for the above-named child. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO PERSONALLY APPEAR BEFORE the Marion County Juvenile Court at 2970 Center St. NE, Salem, OR 97301, on August 19, 2024, at 9:15 a.m. to admit or deny the allegations of the petition and to personally appear at any subsequent court-ordered hearings. YOU MUST APPEAR PERSONALLY IN THE COURTROOM ON THE DATE AND AT THE TIME LISTED ABOVE. AN ATTORNEY MAY NOT ATTEND THE HEARING IN YOUR PLACE. THEREFORE, YOU MUST APPEAR EVEN IF YOUR ATTORNEY ALSO APPEARS. This summons is published pursuant to the order of the circuit court judge of the above-entitled court, dated June 24, 2024. The order directs that this summons be published once each week for three consecutive weeks, making three publications in all, in a published newspaper of general circulation in Lane County, Oregon. Date of first publication: Thursday, July 18, 2024 Date of last publication: Thursday, August 1, 2024 NOTICE – READ THESE PAPERS CAREFULLY If you do not appear personally before the court as directed above, or do not appear at any subsequent court-ordered hearings, the court may proceed in your absence and without further notice make such orders and take such action as authorized by law with regard to the above- named child either on the date specified in THIS SUMMONS OR ON A FUTURE DATE. RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS (1) YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO BE REPRESENTED BY AN ATTORNEY IN THIS MATTER. If you are currently represented by an attorney, CONTACT YOUR ATTORNEY IMMEDIATELY UPON RECEIVING THIS NOTICE. A previously appointed attorney may not be representing you in this matter. IF YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO HIRE AN ATTORNEY and you meet the state financial guidelines, you are entitled to have an attorney appointed for you at state expense. TO REQUEST APPOINTMENT OF AN ATTORNEY TO REPRESENT YOU AT STATE EXPENSE, YOU MUST IMMEDIATELY CONTACT the Marion County Juvenile Court at 2970 Center St. NE, Salem, OR 97301, phone number 503-588-5291, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. for further information. IF YOU WISH TO HIRE AN ATTORNEY, please retain one as soon as possible and have the attorney present at the above hearing. If you need help finding an attorney, you may call the Oregon State Bar Lawyer Referral Service at (503) 684-3763 or toll free in Oregon at (800)452-7636. IF YOU ARE REPRESENTED BY AN ATTORNEY, IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO MAINTAIN CONTACT WITH YOUR ATTORNEY AND TO KEEP YOUR ATTORNEY ADVISED OF YOUR WHEREABOUTS. (2) If you contest the petition, the court will schedule a hearing on the allegations of the petition and order you to appear personally and may schedule other hearings related to the petition and order you to appear personally. IF YOU ARE ORDERED TO APPEAR, YOU MUST APPEAR PERSONALLY IN THE COURTROOM, UNLESS THE COURT HAS GRANTED YOU AN EXCEPTION IN ADVANCE UNDER ORS 419B.918 TO APPEAR BY OTHER MEANS INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, TELEPHONIC OR OTHER ELECTRONIC MEANS. AN ATTORNEY MAY NOT ATTEND THE HEARING(S) IN YOUR PLACE. PETITIONER ATTORNEY Amanda M. Harmon, #133801 Senior Assistant Attorney General Department of Justice 1162 Court Street NE Salem , OR 97301 Phone: (503) 934-4400 ISSUED this 25th day of June 2024. Issued by: Amanda M. Harmon, #133801 Senior Assistant Attorney General. EN EL TRIBUNAL DEL CIRCUITO DEL ESTADO DE OREGON PARA EL CONDADO DE MARION Departamento de Menores En el asunto de KAISHA JERMAINE PELAYO, Una menor de edad. Número de caso: 24JU02521 CITACIÓN PUBLICADA PARA: Zoila Reyna Pelayo Pelayo EN NOMBRE DEL ESTADO DE OREGON: Se ha presentado una petición en la que se solicita al tribunal la terminación de la patria potestad de la madre sobre la menor arriba mencionada. SE REQUIERE SU COMPARECENCIA ANTE el Tribunal de Menores del Condado de Marion en 2970 Center Sr. NE Salen, OR 97301, el 19 de agosto de 2024, a las 9:15 a. m. para admitir o denegar las acusaciones de la petición, así como también deberá comparecer personalmente en cualquier audiencia subsiguiente por orden judicial. DEBE COMPARECER PERSONALMENTE EN EL TRIBUNAL EN LA FECHA Y HORAS MENCIONADAS ANTERIORMENTE. NO PUEDE COMPARECER UN ABOGADO EN SU NOMBRE A LA AUDIENCIA. POR LO TANTO, USTED DEBE COMPARECER AUN SI SU ABOGADO TAMBIÉN LO HACE. Esta citación se publica en conformidad con la orden del juez del circuito del tribunal arriba mencionado, con fecha 24 de junio de 2024. Esta orden indica que esta citación se publique una vez por semana durante tres semanas consecutivas, con lo cual serán tres publicaciones en total, en un periódico de amplia tirada en el condado de Lane, Oregon. Fecha de la primera publicación: Jueves, 18 de julio de 2024 Fecha de la última publicación: Jueves, 1 de agosto de 2024 AVISO: LEA CUIDADOSAMENTE ESTOS DOCUMENTOS Si no comparece personalmente ante el tribunal, como se indica anteriormente, o si no comparece en cualquier audiencia subsecuente ordenada por el tribunal, el tribunal puede proceder en su ausencia y sin comunicación adicional puede dictar órdenes o tomar acciones, tal y como está autorizado por la ley con respecto a la menor arriba mencionada sobre la fecha especificada en ESTA CITACIÓN O EN UNA FECHA FUTURA. DERECHOS Y OBLIGACIONES (1) TIENE DERECHO A CONTAR CON LA REPRESENTACIÓN DE UN ABOGADO EN ESTE ASUNTO. Si actualmente la representa un abogado, COMUNÍQUESE CON SU ABOGADO INMEDIATAMENTE AL RECIBIR ESTE AVISO. Un abogado nombrado anteriormente podría no estar representándola en este asunto.SI NO PUEDE PAGAR UN ABOGADO y cumple con los lineamientos financieros del estado, tiene derecho a que se le designe un abogado con los costos cubiertos por el estado. PARA SOLICITAR LA DESIGNACIÓN DE UN ABOGADO PARA QUE LA REPRESENTE A CUENTA DEL ESTADO, DEBE COMUNICARSE DE INMEDIATO al Tribunal de Menores del Condado de Marion en 2970 Center St. NE, Salem, OR 97301, número de teléfono 503-588-5291, entre las 8:00 a. m. y las 5:00 p. m. obtener más información. SI DESEA CONTRATAR UN ABOGADO, por favor hágalo lo antes posible y asegúrese de que su abogado esté presente en la audiencia mencionada anteriormente. Si necesita ayuda para encontrar a un abogado, puede llamar al Servicio de Referencia del Colegio de Abogados del Estado de Oregon, al (503) 684-3763 o al (800) 452-7636, número gratuito de Oregon. SI CUENTA CON LA REPRESENTACIÓN DE UN ABOGADO, ES SU RESPONSABILIDAD MANTENERSE EN CONTACTO CON SU ABOGADO Y MANTENERLO INFORMADO SOBRE SU PARADERO. (2) Si usted se opone a la petición, el tribunal programará una audiencia sobre los alegatos de la petición y le ordenará que se presente personalmente y puede programar otras audiencias relacionadas con la petición y ordenarle que comparezca personalmente. SI SE LE ORDENA QUE COMPAREZCA, DEBE PRESENTARSE PERSONALMENTE EN EL TRIBUNAL, A MENOS QUE EL TRIBUNAL LE HAYA OTORGADO UNA DISPENSA POR ADELANTADO EN CONFORMIDAD CON LA LEY ORS 419B.918 PARA COMPARECER POR OTRO MEDIO, QUE INCLUYE, PERO NO SE LIMITA, AL TELÉFONO U OTROS MEDIOS ELECTRÓNICOS. NO PUEDE PRESENTARSE UN ABOGADO EN SU NOMBRE A LA(S) AUDIENCIA(S). ABOGADA DEL/DE LA PETICIONARIO/A Amanda M. Harmon, #133801 Fiscal General Adjunta Sénior Departamento de Justicia 1162 Court Street NE, Salem, OR 97301 Teléfono: (503) 934-4400. EMITIDA este 26 de junio de 2024. Emitido por: Amanda M. Harmon, #133801 Fiscal General Adjunta Sénior

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF LANE Ally Bank, Plaintiff, vs. YVONNE JONES Defendants. SUMMONS (60 DAYS) FIRST DATE OF PUBLICATION: Thursday, June 27, 2024 TO THE DEFENDANTS: Yvonne Jones NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: READ THESE PAPERS CAREFULLY! A lawsuit has been started against you in the above-entitled Court by Ally Bank, Plaintiff. Plaintiff’s claim is stated in the written Complaint, a copy of which is on file at the Lane County Courthouse. You must “appear” in this case or the other side will win automatically. To “appear” you must file with the court a legal paper called a “motion” or “answer.” The “motion” or “answer” must be given to the court clerk or administrator within 30 days along with the required filing fee. It must be in proper form and have proof of service on the plaintiff’s attorney or, if the plaintiff does not have an attorney, proof of service on the plaintiff. The object of the action is for Breach of Contract and Foreclosure of Personal Property. The “motion” or “answer” (or “reply”) must be given to the court clerk or administrator within 30 days of the date of first publication specified herein along with the required filing fee. The date of first publication of the summons is June 27, 2024. If you are in the active military service of the United States, or believe that you may be entitled to protection of the SCRA, please contact our office. If you do not contact us, we will report to the court that we do not believe that you are protected under the SCRA. If you have questions, you should see an attorney immediately. If you need help in finding an attorney, you may contact the Oregon State Bar’s Lawyer Referral Service online at or by calling (503) 684-3763 (in the Portland metropolitan area) or toll-free elsewhere in Oregon at (800) 452-7636. Attorneys for Plaintiff, LOGS LEGAL GROUP LLP By: James A. Craft #090146 [] 1499 SE Tech Center Place, Suite 255, Vancouver, WA 98683 (360) 260-2253; Fax (360) 260-2285

NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE STATE OF OREGON. FOR LANE COUNTY – PROBATE DEPARTMENT CASE NO. 23PB07265. In the matter of the Estate of ROBERT ANDRE HEURGUE, Decedent, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that TODD THOMAS has been appointed personal representative. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present them, with vouchers attached, to the aforementioned personal representative c/o Northwest Legal, Attn: Jinoo Hwang, 975 Oak Street, Suite 700, Eugene, OR 97401, within four months after the first date of publication of this notice, or the claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings may obtain additional information from the records of the court, the personal representative, or attorney for the personal representative, Northwest Legal, Attn: Jinoo Hwang, 975 Oak Street, Suite 700, Eugene, OR 97401.

NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS: Probate proceedings in the Estate of Barbara Jane Zibell, deceased, are now pending in the Circuit Court for Lane County, Oregon, Case No. 24PB03125. Patrick Howard Zibell has been appointed as Personal Representative of Decedent. All persons having claims against the Estate are required to present them, in due form, within four months after the date of first publication of this Notice. The date of first publication of this Notice is July 18th, 2024. Claims shall be presented to the Personal Representative at this address: c/o Sean D. Kelly, Sean Kelly PC, 30 N. 5th Street or P.O. Box 725, Cottage Grove, OR 97424, or they may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by these proceedings may obtain additional information from the records of the court, the Personal Representative, or their attorney, Sean D. Kelly, whose address is listed above, and whose telephone number is (541) 942-2453.

TRUSTEE’S NOTICE OF SALE The Trustee under the terms of the Trust Deed described herein, at the direction of the Beneficiary, hereby elects to sell the property described in the Trust Deed to satisfy the obligations secured thereby. Pursuant to ORS 86.771, the following information is provided: PARTIES: Grantor: DALLAS OLESON. Trustee: CASCADE TITLE COMPANY. Successor Trustee: NANCY K. CARY. Beneficiary: JEFFERY BARNES AND MARIE A. BARNES. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: The real property is described as follows: Lots B and C, PLAT OF SYLVA-DELL, as platted and recorded in Book 69, Page 56, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in Lane County, Oregon. RECORDING. The Trust Deed was recorded as follows: Date Recorded: November 15, 2017. Recording No. 2017-056353 Official Records of Lane County, Oregon. DEFAULT. The Grantor or any other person obligated on the Trust Deed and Promissory Note secured thereby is in default and the Beneficiary seeks to foreclose the Trust Deed for (1) failure to pay past due property taxes owed for tax years 2020-2024; and (2) failure to provide proof of insurance; plus late charges and advances; plus any unpaid real property taxes or liens, plus interest. AMOUNT DUE. The amount due on the Note which is secured by the Trust Deed referred to herein is: Principal balance in the amount of $545,651.89; plus interest at the rate of 5.000% per annum from April 1, 2024; plus advances and foreclosure attorney fees and costs. SALE OF PROPERTY. The Trustee hereby states that the property will be sold to satisfy the obligations secured by the Trust Deed. A Trustee’s Notice of Default and Election to Sell Under Terms of Trust Deed has been recorded in the Official Records of Lane County, Oregon. TIME OF SALE. Date: September 26, 2024 Time: 11:00 a.m. Place: Lane County Courthouse, Front Entrance, Inside by Security, 125 E. 8th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon 97401. RIGHT TO REINSTATE. Any person named in ORS 86.778 has the right, at any time prior to five days before the Trustee conducts the sale, to have this foreclosure dismissed and the Trust Deed reinstated by cure of the above defaults and by curing any other default that is capable of being cured by tendering the performance required under the obligation or Trust Deed and by paying all costs and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the obligation and Trust Deed, together with the trustee’s and attorney’s fees not exceeding the amount provided in ORS 86.778. NOTICE REGARDING POTENTIAL HAZARDS (This notice is required for notices of sale sent on or after January 1, 2015.) Without limiting the trustee’s disclaimer of representations or warranties, Oregon law requires the trustee to state in this notice that some residential property sold at a trustee’s sale may have been used in manufacturing methamphetamines, the chemical components of which are known to be toxic. Prospective purchasers of residential property should be aware of this potential danger before deciding to place a bid for this property at the trustee’s sale. You may reach the Oregon State Bar’s Lawyer Referral Service at 503-684-3763 or toll-free in Oregon at 800-452-7636 or you may visit its website at: Legal assistance may be available if you have a low income and meet federal poverty guidelines. For more information and a directory of legal aid programs, go to Any questions regarding this matter should be directed to Lisa Summers, Paralegal, (541) 686-0344 (TS #45200.1). DATED: April 25, 2024. Nancy K. Cary, Successor Trustee, Hershner Hunter, LLP, P.O. Box 1475, Eugene, OR 97440.

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