
Where’s Walden?, 5th Street Market district development and what we’re reading

Where’s Walden? Call and write his offices in Oregon and D.C. We have not heard one word from Oregon Congressman Greg Walden about the disgraceful separation of families at our southern border. This is one more reason to vote against him in November.

• Casey Barrett, vice-president of Obie Companies and grandson of Brian Obie, gave the City Club of Eugene an impressive report on June 15th on the proposed $60 million westward expansion of the 5th Street Market District. One niggling question: both this project and the development of the former EWEB property along the river call for retail and commercial space. Where does this leave retail and commercial development for downtown Eugene ?

What we’re reading: William L. Shirer’s little journalistic book on The Rise & Fall of Adolf Hitler to refresh our memories on Hitler’s belief in telling big lies, not little ones, and the inability of Germans who did not agree with Hitler to stop him. It’s a chilling but important read for this time in America.

Happy Solstice!

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