Kim Roberts Repp 1960-2021

Kim Roberts Repp: 1960-2021

The mother of five was proud of her family and loved cooking 

Kim Roberts Repp will be remembered by her family for her larger-than-life personality. Born and raised in Cameron, Louisiana, Repp passed away in Eugene on March 11 at the age of 60. She is preceded in death by her parents, a sister, her husband, Bruce Repp, and life partner, Ted Roy.

After her husband’s death in 1982, Repp met Roy and had two children. They eventually relocated to Eugene for a job while Repp’s three oldest children remained in Louisiana. 

Repp was proud of her Louisiana heritage, her daughter Shelby Roy says, but also considered herself politically liberal, attending protests and rallies with Roy, who lives in Portland. Growing up, their family celebrated Mardi Gras and ate Cajun food.

An incredible cook, Repp was often found in the kitchen preparing Louisiana classics — gumbo, jambalaya, fried chicken and collard greens. She loved to host parties for family and friends, and would prepare for days in advance. 

“I have menus of stuff we’ve cooked together going into adulthood,” Roy says. “I would watch her spend hours in the kitchen, meticulously putting everything together.”

Repp encountered her share of hardship and trauma in life, but her family says she managed to be friendly and loving to all. She is also described as playful. Roy says as a child, Repp would often play harmless pranks, like saying embarrassing things while going through a drive through, or pretending anchovy paste was chocolate sauce.

“Even in the darkest times, she would find something to laugh about,” Roy says. During times when her relationship with her mother was complicated, she says Repp was still always quick to forgive and loved all her children unconditionally. 

Repp is survived by her five children, 10 grandchildren, her brother and sister, as well as their children and grandchildren. Roy did not yet know the details of Repp’s death.

A service was held for Repp on March 19 in Lake Charles, Louisiana. A memorial service was also held in Eugene on March 27 at the Eugene Mission’s community garden. Roy says she is planning to spread the ashes of her father and Repp in Depoe Bay later this year.

In recent years Repp spent time at the Eugene Mission due to some ongoing struggles. While staying there she attended programs and got to indulge in her love for cooking.

“She was trying to get back on track again no matter how many times it took her,” Roy says.

Eugene Weekly seeks to run an obituary for every person who dies homeless in Lane County in 2021. This is the fifth we’ve published so far. If you know of someone who has died here while homeless this year, please let us know at

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