
What we’re reading: The Light of Days: The Untold Story of Women Resistance Fighters in Hitler’s Ghettos by Judy Batalion. As one of its reviewers said, “There are inspirational books that change your life.  And this is one of them.”

• Ouch! This headline was on the front page of the Sunday Oregonian, May 2: “UO: Improper $5.8M transfer a ‘bookkeeping error.’” Read the story and applaud Bill Harbaugh, economics professor and muckraking author of UO Matters, the website we watch for University of Oregon news, especially about the athletic department. The Oregonian credits Harbaugh for putting the story out there.

Thumbs up for Gov. Kate Brown, who is trying to save lives and weaving her way through the miserable restaurant closures because of increased cases of COVID-19 in counties like Lane. She seems to have everyone from restaurant owners and patrons to county commissioners mad at her for whatever she does. It would help if she attributed her orders more loudly to the experts at the Oregon Health Authority. Clearly, it’s fortunate that she is not running for governor again in 2022. Where will she go next?

• “So You Want to be an Author” is the topic  Friday, May 7, for the City Club of Eugene. Speakers will be:  J.C. Geiger, Leigh Anne Jasheway, Ruby McConnell, Andre Royal and Bob Welch, all local authors. The program will air on the City Club Facebook and YouTube pages starting at noon and you can find the link at their website shortly after.

We were as appalled as anyone by the massive University of Oregon gatherings in town over the first weekend in May, as well as other non COVID safe gatherings. Get your vaccines, so we can lower the number of COVID cases and stop losing lives to this pandemic. Lane County is moving to drop-in appointments, so it’s even easier to get your Fauci ouchie for community immunity. And all those social media posts you see from people with bad side effects? Remember people are more apt to post about a bad experience than they are if they had no effects at all.  

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