Winter Reading List Was One Store Short

In the EW list of local bookstores top picks,  “What You’re Reading” (12/1), I was startled to see no mention of J. Michaels Books, downtown on East Broadway. This was perplexing — it is an excellent store with a great inventory and reasonable prices.

Their stock consists primarily of used books, combined with a large proportion of remainders, and a selected offering of new titles. They have a long wall of fiction, and major collections of books in art, architecture, design, gardening, not to mention American history and — oh, it’s hard to stop. I could go on.

Yes, it is true, I was an employee there for almost 10 years. But that does not mean I cannot offer an objective opinion, based on my own experiences visiting used-book stores wherever I have traveled. Over the years I heard from many customers that they were making a deliberate stop in their Pacific Northwest travels to visit J. Michaels.

We are lucky to have a store of this quality in Eugene. In this era of mega-corporations, it is a high-quality local business that deserves our support — including mention in any article on bookstores in Eugene.

Carlis Nixon


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