Eugene’s City Hall is once again in question. Citizens and city councilors alike thought the issue was settled once the agreement was made to purchase the old EWEB headquarters on the river, but in a surprise turnaround EWEB announced in the early hours of April 1 that the deal had fallen through.
Eugene City Manager Sarah Medary said the city had already decided to embrace the popularity of tiny homes and located a log cabin mounted on a flatbed trailer, just large enough to seat the eight councilors and mayor.
“The logs reflect the city of Eugene’s longtime exploitation of the area’s natural resources,” a press release from the city said, “and the trailer will allow the city to move City Hall to any location needed as well as away from the dangers of floodwaters, angry voters or other natural disasters.” In order to be eco-friendly, the flatbed can be hauled by an electric Ford F150, by a pair of mules, or by the council itself.