Issues with Ads and Happiness About Bikes in Letters


On the June 27 and July 3 issues, Eugene Weekly published full-page advertisements and [an ad on the edge of] the front cover that included “Environmental Injustice in the Whit.” This was misleading to readers, as it made the advertisements appear as EW content. Full page advertisements cost between $2,400 to $2,800.

As Whiteaker neighbors, we have engaged with the city’s process regarding the proposed Scobert Gardens Park renovation, as what happens in the park directly affects all of us. The misleading appearance of these advertisements lends credibility to assertions and accusations which are not factual, specifically the multiple times the city asked for and included input from the neighborhood. 

These advertisements include a QR code which links to a petition, and we have witnessed an uptick in signatures since both ads were published. This, in our view, represents a manipulative interference around a very fair and inclusive planning process. The petition and advertisements contain inaccuracies, and opinions that are not fact based. The city has been leading a very professional and inclusive process with neighbors about the renovation, with another opportunity to provide feedback on July 23. For more information, please visit

We’re copying the EW editorial department in hopes that you will change your policy to be more transparent about labeling paid content and who pays for it.

Lila Floyd, Rebecca Bradvica, Cherly Walsh and Warren Walsh


Editor’s Note: The EW editorial department doesn’t control ads. We do weigh in when we think an ad needs a label because it could be mistaken for something we have written. In the case of the Scobert Park ad, we felt it in no way looks like editorial content. 


The back-page ad in last week’s EW for a “free reggae concert” is puzzling. We are told that the event will follow presentations supporting a candidate for president and providing evidence of conspiracies behind the assassinations of that person’s father and uncle. The time and location of the event are given, but it’s not made clear who paid for the advertisement and there’s no contact information. Could you please enlighten us?

Jeff Cina


Editor’s Note: Most of our ads for events do not come with contact information, and we only give out such information with permission. Ads paid for by political committees during an election do provide the information on who is paying for the ad, and you can go to for campaign finance information. 


The July 3 EW had a full page story — “Protesting Homeless Sweeps.” Will we see a similar response by EW to the fires on Skinner Butte and the fire threats from homeless camps?      

Don French



I usually drive. So when I first drove down 13th Avenue toward the university after the Protected Bikeway was constructed I thought, “Whoa, what mess is this?”

Then this past week I rode a PeaceHealth Rides bike to the Olympic Trials, and what a joy.

I rode slow, I enjoyed myself and I had little fear of being hit. I realized when riding with traffic I ride fast to keep up.

I’m an old guy so I loved the slow, enjoyable trip to Hayward Field.

So thank you, city of Eugene for the protected bikeway.

Chris Pender



I see where the “International Guy-On-A-Bike” stencils got a touch-up recently on 3rd Avenue. Nice! 

Biden Bucks? At any rate, way to go, Eugene! Bike on!

Leo Muzzy



I am so angry. The powers that be wanted to put a 7-Eleven and gas station on Polk and 7th. There is both a 7-Eleven and a gas station within a few blocks of it. All the neighbors who live near there came to the city council and said how much they didn’t want it. They said it would bring crime into the neighborhood. They were not listened to. And now, a block and a half away from that store, one neighbor had the glass broken in her car. And then that single woman had someone try to break into her house while she was there alone. Another neighbor also had his car broken into and the window bashed. There was a gun in it and it was stolen. And now, I am not willing to say we lost and it’s over. It’s not over. So to the Eugene City Council I ask this — would you have allowed it if you lived in the neighborhood? No, I’m sure. Make it right. Because the harm to the neighborhood is not going away. Neither is our indignance.

Lisa Stein



I believe we need more perspective on President Joe Biden’s recent poor debate performance. Metaphorically compared, and considering intent, sometimes Biden can’t find his glasses right away while candidate Donald Trump wants to destroy our way of life because he feels underappreciated.

Bruce Barney



By the sword, went Matthew Crooks — a white, 20-year-old registered Republican, with his AR-15. School and church shooting — murder weapon of choice. Same rifle protected, promoted and proliferated by the NRA.

According to the NRA, this July 13 Pennsylvania rally would have been “worlds safer” if every toothless hillbilly arrived armed with a bump stock rifle and barrel magazine filled with Teflon coated, high powered ammo.

 “Turn off those magnetometers,” ordered Donald Trump at his Jan. 6 D.C. riot. He said they are “not here for me.”

This is Trump’s war! He started it, he watched violence for hours on TV from a sofa in the West Wing while the Capitol burned — he wanted Mike Pence to hang. Trump said, “Maybe he deserved it.”

Crooks didn’t fire the first shot, and bone spurs isn’t the first casualty.

Brian Sicknick was the Capitol officer who died the next day after being hosed in the face with bear spray at Trump’s insurrection.

Did Trump attend that funeral, or was Sicknick just more collateral GOP damage? Some might say, “murdered by Trump.”

Citizens, honor this moment of courage with American flags “upside-down at half-mast,” just like Justice Samuel Alito.

Trump’s bright red MAGA hat target must be exchanged for a NRA QAnon-approved camouflaged, bulletproof titanium deep sea diver helmet with a Chinese grenade launcher mounted on top.

Glenn Jones



On July 24, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will address a joint session of Congress in Washington, D.C. I’d like to encourage citizens to call their representatives to demand that they either not show up or turn their backs in protest of the ongoing genocide in Gaza. Nine months into the war, Netanyahu’s addiction to power shows he’s willing to sacrifice tens of thousands of Palestinian lives, their homes, schools, hospitals and infrastructure. Even Israeli hostages.

In the spirit of Wayne Morse, Sen. Jeff Merkley made a presentation to an almost empty Senate floor. Back in February, he was trying to launch Operation Gaza Rescue. He called for a ceasefire and massive humanitarian aid to be delivered. He visited the Rafah crossing when the Palestinian dead were at 27,000, not the 39,000 we have today. With visual aids, he spoke forcefully about the horrors being inflicted on the Palestinians.

But it’s not just about Netanyahu, it’s about anti-Palestinian racism. Israel has its own version of Fox News that over 50 percent of Israelis watch.

I have yet to hear either Sen. Ron Wyden or Rep. Val Hoyle speak publicly on the issue.

Merkley is a hero and was only one of three Democrat senators to vote against further funding for Israel.

Along with Vladimir Putin, his generals and Hamas leaders, Netanyahu has been condemned by the International Criminal Court as a war criminal.

I urge citizens to call or email Hoyle and Wyden to stand on the right side of history.

Scott Fife
