Endangered Buttes and Invasive Dandelions in Letters


If you take a drive out to Oakridge, you may notice lawn signs posted around town and many local residents wearing hats that say, “Oakridge Strong… Save TV Butte.”

This refers to an investor group that has been seeking to establish a rock quarry on land immediately adjacent to Oakridge city limits. It is a universal feeling amongst the folks who live in (and around) Oakridge that this quarry will not be a good thing. In fact, it will be extremely harmful to Oakridge for environmental and economic reasons.  

And yet, the powerful forces of corporate profit are about to carry out what will certainly be a catastrophe for Oakridge.  The proposed rock quarry will hurt our mountain-bike tourism as well as other visitor attractions (such as our growing disc golf courses as well as hiking and camping). Moreover, there will be extremely harmful environmental consequences.  

By the time you read this the Lane County Planning Commission will have formulated a recommendation for the Lane County Board of County Commissioners. The board is not required to follow the Planning Commission recommendation. Thus, county commissioners who have no constituents in Oakridge will decide whether to allow the blasting away of TV Butte and the economic harm to this small rural town. The Hazeldell Rock Quarry will hurt the entire Oakridge community. 

Gary Carl



I want to give two thumbs up to Sarah Koski’s letter (EW, 7/11). You sure have this person’s attention, in a positive way. 

I agree with what you stated about equipping ourselves and working together and in a positive mindset no matter your status or who you are. Even just to say hello, and how are you today, will be a good start. In my opinion, if we work together as a whole, including with unhoused citizens, we can minimize criminalization within our community. The unhoused society of American citizens all over needs some reassurances there are those out there that do care. 

Thank you also to the executive director of the Oregon Housing and Community Services, Andrea Bell, for sharing this: “To the people of Oregon struggling to get by, we see you, we value your life. We will work tirelessly on your behalf.”

In my opinion, these types of positive statements by our community leaders are crucial to reassure everyone involved that help is coming, and with God’s will, plus everyone’s cooperation and input, it will lead to a positive resolve.

James Yahr



There is a noxious invasive species that has invaded Springfield and possibly Eugene as well.  

Russian thistle is a spiny thistle that starts small but gradually increases in size and is a rapid and very efficient self-pollinator. It has a spiny thin stem that can be seen in Dorris Ranch trail environs with a blue flower. As it spreads, the spines get larger and the blue flower when ripe sends out the type of floating seeds like dandelions.  

Russian thistle is the Godzilla of dandelions. I tried calling the Lane County Invasive Species “hotline” that has apparently cooled off because the number is disconnected. I’ve also notified Willamalane but have not received any feedback. When I lived on the Marin County coast in the 1970s through the ’90s, this invasive species destroyed pasturelands normally home to cattle and goats and did so rapidly. 

This is one Russian invader without nukes but lots of dandelion-like seeds ready to float all over our lovely green environment.

Rene Thista



Many of the speakers at the GOP convention had previously condemned Donald Trump. J.D. Vance once warned that Trump might become the new American Hitler. They have all prostituted their ethical and moral concerns for greed and power. 

The GOP is now owned by the billionaires lusting for more tax cuts and mega corporations wanting the elimination of all regulations protecting the people. The 2025 Project is the roadmap to total Christian Sharia fascism. It plans on eliminating mail-in voting because they want to suppress minority and youth voters who trend Democratic. It plans on eliminating any climate change action and banning abortion nationwide.

All of our social problems, like violence, crime and drugs, are tied to economic inequality. America was greatest after WW II, with a 90 percent top tax rate and little economic inequality. We had the Marshall Plan as well as the GI Bill, which created the middle class. We electrified the country and built Hoover Dam. We built the Interstate Highway system and had 30 years of prosperity. Now, the Republicans want to undo everything and take away Medicare, Social Security and the Affordable Care Act. 

Instead, the Democrats want to expand those programs, help the middle class and reduce inequality. Many would like universal health care, which the rest of the developed world has at half the cost. Texas was just determined to be the worst place in the U.S. to live, mainly because of lousy health care. Let’s make Oregon the best with health care for all.

Jerry Brule



Thank you, President Joe Biden, for such a prudent, courageous and passionately patriotic decision. You have chosen to defend our democratic ideals with a rare display of selfless devotion to the principles of democracy, ones that Americans hold dear.

Passing the torch is by no means a concession — it is not an admission of weakness or defeat. It is simply a sober assessment, by a true commander in chief, that the future of our American democracy, faced with peril, should not be contingent on a gamble. The risks are too great.

President Biden’s legacy will only glow brighter as a result of his courage and commitment to our nation and all its citizens.

William Crutchfield



Where is the lustrous [city] council woman for Ward 7? There are homeless mothers with children, men on street corners, campers near the freeway, all begging for help with rent, food and money. The River Road area needs help desperately! And yet the City Council members continue with their pet projects.

No council woman for Ward 7 has knocked on my door to discuss what our area needs. I hope they are not being paid for doing nothing!

Marlene Pearson



Candidate Donald Trump doesn’t take advice from others. 

He does what he thinks is right — adultery, insurrection (trial pending), cheating banks (convicted), advocating grabbing women by the crotch and being buddies with Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un (bossier people submit to bossier people).

If candidate Trump is so independent, why would he listen to voters? Wouldn’t he just use them to get elected?

I believe Republican voters are misunderstanding the election. They believe it’s about them and their issues. Candidate Trump seems to believe it’s all about them.

Bruce Barney
