From Gerrymandering to Loud Classical Music in Letters 

The Power of Three?

At the start of the Lane County Commission meeting, to vote on a last-minute proposal from a private law firm, Commissioner Pat Farr had Ryan Ceniga’s nameplate before him and vice versa. A foreshadowing of what was to come. The three conservatives (Ceniga, Farr and David Loveall) were going to speak as one. It didn’t matter whose nameplate they had.

Before voting, Farr spoke their minds. After giving a soliloquy about democracy, Farr explained: “So, if anybody in this room disagrees with me that the ballot is the ultimate way to test democracy, raise your hand.”

I didn’t raise my hand because democracy is more complicated than that. For democracy to work people need to have an informing, equitable and fair process. This last-minute proposal from a law firm with little public notice or engagement is not that. A similar thing happened in 2011. The redistricting task force presented the commissioners several redistricting maps. At the last minute, then Commissioner Jay Bozievich introduced his map, which strategically gerrymandered the Whiteaker from North Eugene into South Eugene and was adopted. So now in 2024 they want to gerrymander again — designate Roosevelt Boulevard as the district boundary between North and South Eugene. This will remove liberal-leaning voters from Farr’s district. Choosing voters — instead of the voters choosing him — is not democracy.

The population is getting browner, so white conservatives gerrymander and suppress votes with scant public information (or misinformation) to stay in power. Let’s stop gerrymandering. Vote no Nov. 5.

Debra Higbee


The Cojones of it All

I was summoned to jury duty in July. Now, I am 70 years old, which means I could have opted out, but I have served on juries before and I find it quite rewarding. I ride my bike to most places I go for both the exercise and the environment. I know Eugene is famous for bike thefts and was pleased to find that the county building had bike racks and security cameras right outside the entrance. 

I secured my bike in the racks under a security camera thinking who would be so bold. As it turns out, Eugene bike thieves are that bold. I came out on lunch break to take a walk and I noticed my reliable Santa Cruz Superlight was gone. I notified the jury selection people and they helped me get a hold of the Eugene Police Department  to make a report. The officer asked if there was a security camera overlooking the spot and I told him there was, so he made a request for the footage for his investigation. The security guard on duty said it should be no problem. Well, it’s August and the police still haven’t received the footage.

Everyone says to file a report as quickly as possible, and I have to say EPD was quick to respond; but what good is that if the county won’t even get off of their duffs and provide the security footage? Why didn’t county security personnel go right to the video while the officer was there? I mean it’s a sheriff’s office for crying out loud! 

Don’t they care that a felony theft occurred right under their noses? Aren’t they embarrassed? They should be! And if they’re not going to make the most basic effort to help find it, then they should be liable for the cost of my bike.

John Zuconni


A Brick of a Complaint

The typeface for your current masthead has that “cool 1950s vibe.” Cigarette advertisers should feel nostalgic and welcome. Seriously, really? Oh, and if you’re going to keep it, at least fix the kerning.

Stephen Stanley


The Hungarian Stomp at 0200 hours

KWAX, FM, 91.1, classical music radio is wonderful. As of this very day a symphony presentation, various piano concertos, chamber music and the program “Sunday Baroque” drifted on the breeze where I live in the woods.

I have outside speakers to entertain plants, flowers, wildlife and the occasional feral human visitor.

Classical music, generally speaking, is a collection of soloists managing to get along without causing too much grief for those listening. Aye?

That said, I have had problems with KWAX radio late at night.

Which DJ thought it a great idea to play woodfloor stomping Hungarian folk dance music at 0200 hours, I can’t imagine.

“Stomp! Bang! Hey!”

Startled me right out of a pleasant sleep. Had me reaching for a weapon.

My mind could “see” strong, exuberant men doing that deep-knee crunching dance. The one with arms folded across the chest. Beards tucked into belts. Crowd clapping time. Stomp!


Ye gad!?

Don’t misunderstand. After a whisky in the afternoon, we might join in the festivities.

I am a decorated combat veteran, 74 yrs old. Me heart is nay 20 anymore.

Any DJ should know where selected music goes. Hospice clinics? Kindly, gentle people, gone to their dreamland.

What time? Like, day or night.

Whatever an overnight DJ does to stay awake would be a private matter, but it should not include brass band marching music before sunrise nor vodka swilling Cossacks at a pig slaughter celebration.

Ed Reynolds


Amplify Black Voices

I was happy to pick up the August 1 issue on a recent visit to Eugene, and grateful to learn about the bulldozing of the Black community of Ferry Street Village in 1948. I only wish the story was featured on the cover, rather than the issue’s cover celebrating the accomplishments of a white male. 

Educating the white readers of Eugene Weekly is only the tip of the iceberg toward dismantling institutionalized racism, and articles such as “Across the Bridge, A Village” deserve to be cover stories. I hope you will continue to amplify Black stories that uplift and encourage reconciliation and healing from racism.

Katie Schuessler

Brooklyn, New York

Better Care for Foster Care

On Saturday morning August 3, our community lost another young person to suicide. Jacob Doriety was only 17 years old and in our Oregon foster care system most of them. 

Like too many others, he was shuffled through a myriad of temporary situations, experiencing over 50 different placements in just the last two years of his life. Oregon’s foster care practices are harmful and dehumanizing, and they have been repeatedly ruled illegal. Advocates and judges have been warning about the dangers for decades. 

There are no excuses for the Child Welfare Division continuing to flout court rulings, causing further anguish to already vulnerable and traumatized youth. This agency needs a complete review by an outside auditor, and the leadership responsible for these deadly policies must be held accountable. 

Jacob, you deserved so much more from your community. I am heartbroken we failed you like this. We must demand better of ourselves in honor of your memory. As a foster care survivor, I will not forget you and I will never stop fighting for you.

Mike McFadden


But Did EWEB Listen?

Looking back on the way EWEB handled the smart meter rollout, I see a missed opportunity for community goodwill, more informed decision-making and true democratic principles. 

Yes, EWEB did let the public know about the mandate and did allow speakers to make their case at various board meetings, but as far as I know, EWEB didn’t really listen to other options and acted tyrannically on the engineering logic of expediency and efficiency. In fact, the letter we received simply threatened us with fines or shut off if we didn’t accept the change. 

How different it could have been if EWEB had shown more compassion, in particular for those who are especially sensitive to electro-magnetic frequencies, by providing them with free smart meter covers or EMF blankets, for example. To my mind, building strong communities is about kindness, neighborliness and respectful communication, not threats and mandates.

Jack Cooper


MAGA and the County Charter

Is MAGA rearing its head in Lane County?

Why do the three male conservative county commissioners want to redraw county voting districts well before the usual timeline? Usually it is done every 10 years after the census. Why do these commissioners want to waste thousands of public tax dollars to get an unfunded charter change on the ballot this November when at the same time they are cutting services to county citizens? Why did these elected officials ignore the two years of work and recommendations by their own appointed citizen Charter Review Committee? Why did they support the recommendations of the private law firm Harrang Long? 

These recommendations did not have one single citizen supporting the plan in public testimony. Why are these commissioners going against the recommendation of our county clerk and staff that this should not be on the ballot in November? Sure looks like politicians trying to hold onto their own power and positions by gerrymandering.

Don’t be fooled by sneaky cheating officials. Vote NO on the ballot measure to amend the charter and write your commissioner to say “foul play”! 

Vote NO to prevent gerrymandering and defend our democracy!


Deb McGee



Aims Parking Misfires

Aims Parking has gotten out of control. They cited me in front of my own home on my own property with a $25 ticket blocking my own driveway. Then I got another parking ticket for parking on Legacy Drive, which is an adjacent street to where I live on a dead end street. 

They said, “I was blocking a bike lane on a dead end street in designated parking.” I got harassed several times after I complained to the parking patrol supervisor, and they drove by me and my house/family slowly trying to intimidate. I have a veteran license plate, and it is apparent that the two parking ticket officers are singling me out. I wrote emails to the mayor and city manager and no one cares or will respond back to me.

Matthew Easterbrook


Now Who’s Crying?

It’s humorous to see GOP crocodile tears after a convention where we saw everything but red carpet and trumpet fanfare. Inflation was actually started by greedy oil people gouging everyone to make record profits during a global health crisis. Donald Trump torpedoed a bipartisan bill to keep immigration an election issue. Any president of either party would give Israel aid after it was attacked. The problem is a right wing intent on staying in power by waging continuous warfare.

It’s said those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it. 1968 showed a fractured Democratic party can’t win. Democrats learned from the past and have united around Vice President Kamala Harris. The GOP has a candidate making “law and order” Tricky Dick look like an angel.

So what’s the real objection? She’s Black and Asian? She’s a woman? Because she prosecuted crimes and he is a convicted felon? If Trumpers were truly serious about democracy they would work to abolish the electoral college.  

The Weekly could print an extra edition just to list the reasons why Trump should be in the Big House, not the White House. Per Congressional hearings on Jan. 6, Trump tried a number of schemes, such as 60 lawsuits, fake electors, coercion of public officials, etc. Despite several people, including his daughter, telling him he lost, Trump instigated a violent riot as a last ditch coup attempt. Watch the tapes. Just another childless dog dude. 

Kevin Cook
