UO Reputation Swooshed Away

UO big wigs have been taking a lot of hits in the media recently for kowtowing to the almighty swoosh. On April 16 the Oregonian reported that the UO had evaded state anti-corruption laws to hand the contract for the basketball arena—the most expensive public building in state history—to a Nike subsidiary and Nike related contractor and architect without a competitive or public bidding process. Continue reading 

Déjà vu

Here’s an old Herblock cartoon from 1970 when tricky Dick Nixon was escalating the Vietnam war despite campaign promises to end it. Déjà vu? So what would the caption be now? How about: “You see the reason we’re dying in vain here in Iraq is so dying in Iraq will have some purpose.” Any other suggestions? Continue reading 

Swishing Graduation

A story in the Wall Street Journal March 19 featured an interview with UO Professor Nathan Tublitz and the headline: “Has Serious Academic Reform Of College Athletics Arrived?” The article describes Tublitz as a neurobiology professor who is co-chairman of the faculty driven Coalition on Intercollegiate Athletics. The WSJ describes theoretically tough new standards on academic progress by the NCAA, but raises the question about whether they will actually be enforced. Continue reading 

Kroger v. Macpherson AG Showdown

Willamette Week’s Nigel Jaquiss has a cover story on the state attorney general race between former federal prosecutor John Kroger and state legislator Greg Macpherson. Here’s some highlights: • “‘I prosecuted Enron, and Greg’s firm represented them,’ says Kroger.” Continue reading 

After Eastside parents ‘beat up’ their teachers over merger, Russell says, ‘close them both’

Eastside alternative elementary parents who have strongly opposed a merger with the poorer and browner Harris neighborhood elementary have verbally “beat up” their own teachers to the point where half may no longer want to work at the school, according to 4J Superintendent George Russell. “I worry now how Eastside can be Eastside if half or more of the teachers are deciding they don’t want to be Eastside,” Russell said at a school board meeting today, March 8. Continue reading