Slant 3-19-2015

• We left the City Club of Eugene’s excellent debate on March 13 about manmade microwave radiation’s impact on human health undecided. Dr. Davison Soper, UO physics professor, and Dr. Paul Dart, MD, left us thinking that the science is not there on either side, although both expressed strong views. Soper was not concerned about wifi, cell towers and smart meters impacting human health. Dart definitely was. More science, please. Continue reading 

Activist Alert 3-19-2015

If you were in Lane County in the mid-‘60s and mid-‘70s and actively opposing the war on Vietnam during those years, Community Alliance of Lane County (CALC) wants to hear from you. As Vietnam-related anniversaries approach, including the 40th anniversary of the April 30 end of the war, CALC — which began as Clergy and Laymen Concerned About Vietnam — is planning a series of activities. Email at for more info. Continue reading 

War Dead 3-19-2015

In Afghanistan • 2,356 U.S. troops killed (2,356 last month) • 20,067 U.S. troops wounded in action (20,066) • 1,582 U.S. contractors killed (1,582) • 16,179 civilians killed (updates NA) • $792.7 billion cost of war ($785.8 billion) • $317.1 million cost to Eugene taxpayers ($314.3 million)   Against ISIS • $2.1 billion cost of military action ($1.9 billion) • $849,200 cost to Eugene taxpayers ($760,000) Continue reading 

Slant 3-12-2015

• Former UO president David Frohnmayer’s most powerful legacy to this community should be the strength and courage he and his wife, Lynn Frohnmayer, have demonstrated in battling Franconi anemia, the disease that took the lives of two of their daughters and affects a third. The Frohnmayers established the Franconi Anemia Research Fund, shepherded it through endless meetings and raised millions for it. Continue reading 

Activist Alert 3-12-2015

• The Eugene Police Commission will meet at 5:30 pm Thursday, March 12, at EPD Headquarters, 300 Country Club Road. On the agenda is “citizens filming officers policy review.” The EPD does not currently have a policy regarding citizens recording officer interactions, such as how far away citizens must stand to avoid being arrested for interference. Email or call 682-5852 for more information.  Continue reading 

Biz Beat 3-12-2015

We hear changes are afoot at BRING Recycling as Executive Director Julie Daniel and Director of Communications and Development Sonja Snyder are both planning to retire in May. Ephraim Payne recently took over as director of outreach and communications when Shirley Perez West left. Daniel has been with BRING for 19 years and is credited with spearheading the $3.2 million capital campaign that created the new Planet Improvement Center in Glenwood. She also launched the RE:think Business program and the annual Home and Garden Tour. Continue reading 

Slant 3-5-2015

• An amazing cross-section of this community has come together to buy “the dirt,” 10.2 acres in the center of Eugene. This is the first and most difficult step in building a fieldhouse for kids, restoring a historic wooden stadium and installing a playing field for soccer and fun, adding a pocket park and a walking/biking path. What a lift in a world that seems to be coming apart more than coming together!  Continue reading 

Lane County Area Spray Schedule 3-5-15

• Weyerhaeuser, 744-4600, plans to ground and aerial spray 6 acres located 1 mile southeast of Cottage Grove near Taylor Butte with Accord Concentrate, Atrazine 4L, Weedone LV6 EC, Velpar DF, Oust XP, Oust Extra, DMA4 IVM, Transline and/or Sulfomet XP. See ODF notification 2015-771-03472, call Tim Meehan at 726-3588 with questions. Continue reading 

Activist Alert 3-5-2015

• The Metropolitan Policy Committee meets from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm Thursday, March 5, at Springfield City Hall Library, 225 Fifth St. Scenario planning is on the agenda. Contact Paul Thompson, 682-4405. • Author David Barsamian, founder of Alternative Radio, will speak at 1 pm Thursday, March 5, at Building 17, Room 309, on the main LCC campus. His topic is “Media and Democracy.” Continue reading