Biz Beat 3-5-2015

Might be too late to reserve a seat, but we see the Eugene Area Chamber of Commerce is holding a “Chamber 101” lunch at noon Thursday, March 5, in the Chamber’s conference room on Willamette Street. Pre-registration (free) is required and it appears the presentation is geared to new members. Everything is political in Eugene, and we wouldn’t be surprised if some of the participants raise political issues, such as why the U.S. Chamber has actively campaigned against reducing carbon pollution.  Continue reading 

Slant 2-26-2015

• Springfield is in mourning, as are we all, for the pedestrian tragedy on Main Street that killed three children and seriously injured their mother Feb. 22. As we go to press we haven’t heard why the pickup driver hit the family, but regardless, the long and busy Main Street corridor has long been hazardous for walkers, bicyclists, pets and wildlife. Reducing the speed limit on this state highway would be an obvious first step. More pedestrian refuge islands are needed. Continue reading 

Activist Alert 2-26-2015

• A public meeting on the 2015 Eugene Trails Plan will be at 6 pm Thursday, Feb. 26, at the Eugene Public Works Parks and Open Space facility, 1820 Roosevelt Blvd. Email or call 682-4906 for more information. • Janet Range, who supervises education programs at three immigrant detention centers in Portland, will join a discussion about “The Children Who Came Across the Border” at 7 pm Thursday, Feb. 26, at First United Methodist Church, 13th and Olive.  Continue reading 

Lane County Area Spray Schedule 2-19-15

• Weyerhaeuser Company, 744-4600, plans to ground and aerial spray 367.5 acres near Farman Creek, Coyote Creek and Gillespie Corners with atrazine, clopyralid, hexazinone, sulfometuron methyl, Crosshair, Grounded, Foam Buster, Odor Mask and/or No Foam. See ODF notification 2015-781-03426, call Brian Peterson at 935-2283 with questions. Continue reading 

Slant 2-19-2015

• John Kitzhaber grew up in Eugene. His father taught at the UO. His mother was state president of the League of Women Voters. We have never doubted his integrity and still don’t until proven otherwise through full due process of the law. We do have doubts about his judgment with the role of his “first lady,” fiancé Cylvia Hayes. As one of our readers quipped this week: “At a minimum, Kitzhaber needs a pre-nup.” Continue reading 

War Dead 2-19-2015

In Afghanistan • 2,356 U.S. troops killed (2,356 last month) • 20,067 U.S. troops wounded in action (20,066) • 1,582 U.S. contractors killed (1,582) • 16,179 civilians killed (updates NA) • $785.8 billion cost of war ($778.8 billion) • $314.3 million cost to Eugene taxpayers ($308.5 million)   Against ISIS • $1.9 billion cost of military action ($1.7 billion) • $760,000 cost to Eugene taxpayers ($672,403) Continue reading 

Biz Beat 2-19-2015

Cybersecurity is a quickly growing field and we see the Oregon State University College of Engineering has collaborated with Intel Security to offer a course at OSU called “Defense Against the Dark Art.” The class of 45 students filled up almost immediately after it was announced. The class will be videotaped and there are plans to make it available in the future to other universities. Continue reading 

Slant 2-12-2015

• A $35 annual vehicle registration fee is heading for the May ballot as Lane County struggles to provide basic services. We’re not fond of flat taxes since they exacerbate the gap between rich and poor, but this fee is a bit more progressive than some we’ve seen. Very poor (or green) households don’t even own a car, low-income households might have one car and wealthier households are likely to have several vehicles plus boats and trailers. Continue reading 

Activist Alert 2-12-2015

• Lane Transit District is planning new routes and taking public input from 3 to 5 pm Thursday, Feb. 12, at the LTD Customer Service Center lobby at 10th and Willamette. Comments can also be made through a survey online at LTD Board public hearings are coming up at 5:30 pm March 18 and 5:30 pm April 6 at the Eugene Public Library. Continue reading