Lane County Area Spray Schedule 2-12-15

Weyerhaeuser Company, 746-2511, plans to aerially spray 47.8 acres and 96.4 acres near Mohawk River tributaries with Velpar DF, Velossa, Vista XRT, Transline, Sulfomet XP, Rodeo, Hardball, Crosshair, Epoleon N-100 odor masking agent, Foam Buster and/or No Foam. See ODF notifications 2015-771-02709 and 2015-771-02586, call Brian Dally or Nikolai B. Hall at 726-3588 with questions. Continue reading 

Biz Beat 2-12-2015

Big turnout for the Womenspace fifth annual “End the Silence” community breakfast Feb. 4. An estimated 320 to 350 people, including many local dignitaries and business owners, showed up on a cold, dark, wet morning for the 7 am free buffet at Valley River Inn. A “survivor panel” of women told their personal stories about intimate partner violence and how Womenspace services helped and continues to help them through the challenges. Continue reading 

Lane County Area Spray Schedule 2-5-15

• Seneca Jones Timber Company LLC, 689-1011, plans to aerial and ground spray 69.9 acres near Crow Road with 2,4-D, atrazine, clopyralid, glyphosate, hexazinone. sulfometuron methyl, Crosshair, Foam Buster and/or Grounded. See ODF notifications 2015-781-02394 and 2015-781-02596, call Brian Peterson at 935-2283 with questions.  • Seneca Jones also plans to aerially spray 54.4 acres near Wolf Creek Road and 56.9 acres near Hamm and Territorial with some of the same chemicals listed above. See ODF notification 2015-781-02390, call Dan Men Continue reading 

Activist Alert 2-5-2015

• Noted historian Randall Balmer of Dartmouth College will speak on “Jimmy Carter, Progressive Evangelism and the Religious Right” at 7 pm Thursday, Feb. 5, at 110 Knight Law Center on the UO campus. Ballmer is considered a leading expert on the role of religion in American life. Sponsored by The Wayne Morse Center for Law and Politics. Find more upcoming Morse Center lectures at Continue reading 

Biz Beat 2-5-2015

Tiny Tavern at 394 Blair Blvd. in the Whit has reopened under new management after being shut down by the Lane County Health Department Dec. 5. The self-described dive bar, restaurant and live music venue had a Superbowl party Sunday, and we’re hearing good things about the new, improved and more sanitary Tiny’s. It was missed while it was closed. See our Letters this week.  Continue reading 

Slant 1-29-2015

• The Eugene City Council is expected to take the next step this week in expanding our urban growth boundary to provide more space for industrial land. It appears the controversial 300-acre expansion for housing is not needed, thanks to a math error being discovered. Puzzling. But the plan to expand 924 acres to create industrial land near the airport is also flawed. Strong arguments against UGB industrial expansion can be found in the Envision Eugene online survey done in December and January. Continue reading 

Activist Alert 1-29-2015

• Slow Money South Willamette Valley and Willamette Food and Farm Coalition are hosting a launch event from 6 to 9 pm Thursday, Jan. 29, at Red Wagon Creamery, 55 W. Broadway, to celebrate the first local companies and other Oregon entrepreneurs to build their businesses through Oregon’s new Community Public Offering (CPO) crowdfunding rules. See  Continue reading 

Lane County Area Spray Schedule 1-29-15

• Swanson Brothers, 935-2231, plans to hire Nick’s Timber Services, 503-910-1120, to spray 33.5 acres near Vaughn Road and Sturtevant Creek with Glyphosate 5.4. See ODF notification 2015-781-05431, call Dan Menk at 935-2283 with questions.  • Sean Martin, 520-9403, plans to spray 19.5 acres near Vaughn Road with Glyphosate 4 Plus and Triclopyr 3A (amine). See ODF notification 2015-781-05905, call Dan Menk at 935-2283 with questions.  Continue reading 

Biz Beat 1-29-2015

Bloxi is a new Eugene-based web business startup that appears to be quickly growing an international audience. “Bloxi is a quiz site where anyone can create, take or share quizzes,” says Bailey Koharchick, director of marketing. Find it on or call the company at 505-8044. Continue reading