Jane Dods

Born in Hollywood, California, Jane Dods is the daughter of a New Zealand sheep farmer who crossed the Pacific to visit his brother, an extra … Continue reading
We've got issues.
Born in Hollywood, California, Jane Dods is the daughter of a New Zealand sheep farmer who crossed the Pacific to visit his brother, an extra … Continue reading
Born in Glendora, California, east of Los Angeles, Gary Spetzler moved with his parents to South Lake Tahoe, “until Tahoe became a casino town,” he … Continue reading
December 2015: In the 1980s, University of Florida student Jim Evangelista and his roommates had a sign that read, “Welcome to Reality Kitchen.” Later, when … Continue reading
“I’ve always been the class clown,” Riley Derrick says. “The people I modeled were David Letterman and Bill Murray. I stayed up late in middle … Continue reading
“My uncle trained elephants at the San Diego Zoo,” says Sidney Campbell, who grew up in nearby Los Angeles County. “I spent time at the … Continue reading
“I always knew that my father was Lakota,” says Daphne Singingtree, who was born into a dysfunctional family that moved a lot in Utah, “but … Continue reading
In June, following her freshman year in the University of Oregon’s School of Journalism and Communication, Portland native Kiasia Baggenstos was named the first-ever winner … Continue reading
“I was born and raised in Eugene,” says Jasmine Darmadi, now a senior at South Eugene High School. “My mom immigrated from China and my … Continue reading
“I’ve been involved in amateur radio since age 13,” says Paul Thompson, who grew up in Grosse Pointe, Michigan, then earned BS and MS degrees … Continue reading
After high school in Dallas, Texas, Susan Turner was able to begin her studies at Texas A&M University as a sophomore, majoring in journalism. “I … Continue reading