Letter to Congress regarding TPP

Rep. Peter DeFazio wrote a letter to the editor published May 9 that talked about problems with the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership. In that letter he referenced a letter sent Congress last week from legal experts. Here is the text of that letter: Dear Majority Leader McConnell, Minority Leader Reid, Speaker Boehner, and Minority Leader Pelosi: Continue reading 

Resale store Plato’s Closet to open in Eugene

A new resale clothing store is headed to Eugene: Plato's Closet. The store will share the former Blockbuster space at 1711 Willamette with Oregon Medical. "We split it into two," Plato's Closet owner Ken Livingston says of the space. "I think it’s going to be a great location, near the college and South Eugene High. The local demographic there should be pretty good for it." Continue reading 

Nepal event is Tuesday

Just heard a vigil will be held tomorrow (Tuesday) for Nepal earthquake victims. Here are the details as we know them: • Location is the EMU Amphitheater on the UO campus from 7 to 8:30 pm (set up will be at 6 pm, take down from 8:30 to 9 pm). Continue reading