Eugene Weekly exists to boldly question prevailing wisdom and authority. We expose corporate practices and public policies that benefit the few at the expense of the many. We provide a voice for the oppressed and dismissed, and support unfettered artistic expression. As informed citizens, we carry a responsibility for community leadership. We advocate aggressively for environmental sanity, government accountability, sustainable economics, social justice, cultural diversity, tolerance, and the lively, free interchange of ideas and opinions. We also seek to provide employment, training and a supportive work environment for Eugene’s most creative writers, artists, photographers, graphic designers, salespeople, office workers and managers.
Currently 11 am to 4 pm at 1251 Lincoln Street but call 541-484-0519 any time to leave a message as reporters and ad sales reps work nonstop!
EW subscriptions: buy online or send name, address and check to 1251 Lincoln St., Eugene, OR 97401-3418. $80/6 mos. $150/12 mos.
Call 541-484-0519 to talk to anyone from EW.
For news tips contact Editor Camilla Mortensen with a detailed message specifying exactly what the possible news story is. You can also contact Camilla Mortensen for Slant tips, Happening People and to submit an editorial viewpoint.
Letters to the editor should be less than 250 words, preferably 200 words, and sent to letters@eugeneweekly.com along with your address and phone number or valid contact information to verify who you are. We welcome letters on all topics and will print as many as space allows, though do we exercise discretion over what we print in our pages while retaining the voice of community members. Letters will be copy edited for grammar and spelling and check for factual accuracy when possible. We give priority given to timely local issues, responses to articles and letters in EW and letters received before Friday at 5 pm. While critiques are welcome, letters should avoid personal attacks and hate speech is not tolerated. Please send your letter in the body of your email. For those who prefer not to use email, fax to 541-484-4044 or mail to 1251 Lincoln, Eugene 97401. We recognize there many people EW and the community need to hear from who do not have access to a computer, and encourage you to write to us, just know that if we have to re-type your letter for you, it may slightly delay publication.
Send guest viewpoints to editor@eugeneweekly.com and check out some tips for writing them here. Please note, EW like most newspapers, does not pay freelance fees for opinion pieces.
For the arts — music, film, visual arts, theater etc. — contact the editor as well. You can also notify our calendar editor.
Got a hot food or restaurant tip? Email our Chow Editor.
To submit your event to the What’s Happening Calendar go here and drop our calendar editor an email at cal@eugeneweekly.com if you have questions.
Tip: If you have an event you want in the Weekly, submit it to our What’s Happening calendar and if you think it warrants a story, email it to an arts or news editor.
Are you a writer? We love writers, and we take freelance submissions! We’ll even pay you for music previews, news stories, cover features and more. If you want to write for EW send a us a pitch via an inquiry email, with a couple clips of your writing, to editor@eugeneweekly.com. Go here for our full freelance and submission policy. Are you a student or developing writer? Contact Camilla Mortensen about our internship program and for application and program details, go here.
Please send photographic and illustration inquiries to our Interim Art Director McKenzie Young.
Jody Rolnick
Editor and News Camilla Mortensen
Calendar Editor Emma J Nelson
Copy Editor Dan Buckwalter
Bricks $ Mortar Columnist Christian Wihtol
Contributing Arts Writer Will Kennedy
Contributing Copy Editor Jane Dods
Arts Editor Emeritus Bob Keefer
Happening People Paul Neevel
Contributing Writers Ester Barkai, Dan Bryant, Tom Coffin, Ayisha Elliott, Henry Houston, Chandra LeGue, Rick Levin, Susan Palmer, William L. Sullivan, Dorothy Velasco, John Zerzan
Interns: Pierce Baugh V, Savannah Brown, Mirandah Davis-Powell, Mason Falor, Eve Weston
Catalyst Journalism Project Reporters Bailey Meyers, Emma J Nelson, Emily Rogers, Amelia Winkelman
Art Director/Production Manager McKenzie Young-Roy
Production Intern Ryan Ehrhart
Graphics Intern Jade Wilkerson
Technology Manager James Bateman
Advertising/Office Manager JJ Snyder
Advertising Manager Dave Newman
ClassifiedAdvertising Bentley Freeman
Accountant Kernutt Stokes
Bob Becker (lead distributor), Alex Chappel, Denise Novak, Pedalers Express, Norman Riddle, Jeff Tanner, Burt Tate, Tina Vellody
Handyman John Winings
Printing APG Printing Solutions
(editor): editor@eugeneweekly.com
(letters): letters@eugeneweekly.com
(advertising): ads@eugeneweekly.com
(classifieds): classy@eugeneweekly.com
(I Saw You): isawyou@eugeneweekly.com
(calendar): cal@eugeneweekly.com
(music/clubs/special shows): music@eugeneweekly.com
(art/openings/galleries): visualarts@eugeneweekly.com
(performance/theater): performance@eugeneweekly.com
(literary arts/readings): books@eugeneweekly.com
(movies/film screenings): movies@eugeneweekly.com
(circulation): distribution@eugeneweekly.com
(bizbeat): bizbeat@eugeneweekly.com
Founded joyfully by Elisabeth Lyman, Lucia McKelvey, Sonja (Ungemach) Snyder, Bill Snyder and Lois Wadsworth as What’s Happening in 1982, Eugene Weekly was then published and loved by Anita and Art Johnson, and Fred and Georga Taylor starting in 1991.
EUGENE, OR 97401
The goal of Eugene Weekly‘s comments section is to provide substantive conversation in the Eugene-Springfield and Lane County community and surrounding areas. We hope that comments will draw together insightful, active and civil discussions among EW’s readers, writers, reporters and editors.
We do not delete comments because we disagree with them. Only comments that violate these guidelines will be deleted by EW staffers.
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By submitting content, you are consenting to the following guidelines:
• Do not make inappropriate comments, including content that is illegal, violent, libelous, defamatory or pornographic.
• Do not make comments degrading others on the basis of gender, race, class, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability or other classification.
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Comments that are on-topic or related to the article at hand receive more leeway than unrelated comments. We are unlikely to allow comments that derail the conversation or deter other commenters with their vitriol.
Stay on topic, stay civil and always feel free to write a letter to the editor. Send your maximum of 250 word letters to letters@eugeneweekly.com with your name and address for verification. If you’d like to voice your opinion more privately or send us a news tip, send an email to editor@eugeneweekly.com.