Los colores

If artist Martha Bowen could be described with only one word, that word might be “humble.” Along with her modest and genuine character, Bowen’s captivatingly beautiful watercolor paintings are true to her unassuming nature. She’s traveled the world and brought images home for us to enjoy. 

Originally from Guadalajara, Mexico, Bowen now calls Eugene home, though her Latin roots seep through the canvas with vibrant colors and life. 

Bowen, an avid traveler, says her inspiration is drawn from visiting cities around the world. “Contact with the beauty of the world made me want to capture something with my art,” she says. 

Snapping pictures throughout her travels, Bowen returned home to document the memories with her watercolors. “I love doors, windows, houses and churches,” Bowen says. 

With each trip and destination, Bowen was inspired to create more works of art unique to her style and passion. Bowen’s show Color Y Tradiciones features her realism as well as a bit of her impressionistic work. 

“Impressionistic work was really my first love,” she says. “I was fascinated by the free style of impressionist painters.” 

Although certain pieces have been displayed in galleries throughout Eugene, this marks Bowen’s first big gallery debut. Color Y Tradiciones will enthrall and surprise you, so don’t be alarmed if you feel a sudden urge to check out Latin America.

Color Y Tradiciones opens 5:30 pm Friday, Aug. 3, at DIVA,
280 W. Broadway; FREE. 

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