Sadly Bill Nye the Science Guy did NOT say and I quote the fake news story from The Daily Current
“Look, these people they’re f*cking retarded. Rape can’t cause pregnancy? Breastmilk cures homosexuality? I caused a hurricane by challenging creationism? Who can possibly take these people seriously anymore?”
“…Now they don’t even believe in egg + sperm = baby. Where does Todd Akin think babies come from? Does he think there are separate storks for people who were raped and people who weren’t? ”
“Hey look at me! I’m the rape stork. I drop off all my babies directly at the orphanage.”
“He’s a f*cking idiot. Just a plain f*cking idiot. I’m sorry – I don’t say that word very often – but it happens to fit in this case. He’s just a f*cking idiot.”
“So Todd I got an offer for you. You and me. Any time. Any place. Debating sciencemano-a-mano. I’ll bring the facts, and you bring the Vaseline. Because your ass is gonna f*cking need it when I’m done whipping.”
He DID post a video on YouTube saying parents shouldn’t teach Creationism.
Even more fun, Nye appears in a Symphony of Science video on climate change with David Attenborough, Richard Alley and Isaac Asimov.
For more science music autotuning go to
The Morgan Freeman one on on quantum physics is not to be missed. And I will leave you with DINOSAURS!!!