$1 Million to Try to Defeat DeFazio (and a fun video too)

This just in from the Congressman Peter DeFazio  election campaign:


Voters will not know who is funding the final attacks until after the election

(EUGENE, OR)- Republican Super PAC Inc. (RSPI) has spent nearly $170,000 in the final week in an attempt to attack Peter DeFazio and buy Art Robinson a seat in congress. In FEC reports dated 10/31 and 11/1, RSPI purchased an additional $93,000 of television time and spent nearly $75,000 on two mail pieces attacking DeFazio.

“My so-called ‘fiscally conservative’ opponent Art Robinson has blown nearly $1 million on his book, thousands of message signs full of empty promises he cannot and has no intention of keeping, and radio and television ads that try to hide his ultra right-wing extreme ideals. But Art could drain his bank account because Republican Super PAC Inc (RSPI) bailed out his campaign on TV, radio, and in the mail. RSPI and its Wall Street funder don’t care that Art Robinson has no plan to get people back to work, or that his budget plan would drive us deeper into debt. They just want to buy votes for the guy who will bend to their will. People might not always agree with me, but they know where I stand and that I have the backbone to stand up to these special interests,” said DeFazio.

RSPI’s current television ad and a recent mailer sent to thousands of households falsely claims that DeFazio voted against a balanced budget amendment in 2011. DeFazio led the Democratic support for the only balanced budget amendment voted on in the House of Representatives in the current Congress. Politico highlighted DeFazio’s support of the BBA in November 2011 writing, “Oregon Rep. Peter DeFazio is urging his colleagues to buck Democratic leadership and vote in favor of the balanced budget amendment that’s headed for a vote in the House at the end of this week.” (http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1111/68413.html#ixzz2B6j4NSvB)

RSPI claims that DeFazio voted against a balanced budget amendment in 2011 and cited HR 2560, legislation that was not a balanced budget amendment. In a non-partisan Congressional Research Service (CRS) report, CRS found that “the bill itself was not a balanced budget amendment” (http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/R41907.pdf page 23).

RSPI will not file a FEC report disclosing its recent donors until after the election, keeping voters in the dark about who is funding the attacks against DeFazio in the closing days of the election.

DeFazio’s campaign has also recently received calls from voters contacted in a push poll paid for by Republican Super PAC Inc., claiming DeFazio intends to raise taxes and increase spending.  The push poll phone number (541-823-5019) doesn’t connect to a business or individual.

The DeFazio campaign’s billboards aren’t the only way that non-Robinsonians are looking to explain Robinson. For some weekend viewing fun, we’re reposting a video one of our readers created:

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