Help Build a Conestoga Hut

Opportunity Village Eugene (OVE) and Community Supported Shelters will assemble two conestoga huts at 2 pm Saturday, Jan. 5, at the Episcopal Church of the Resurrection, 3925 Hilyard St. in Eugene. Two houseless people who have been chosen to use the first Conestoga Huts will participate in their assembly.

The city of Eugene recently approved the simple, waterproof 6’ X 10’ conestoga huts as part of St. Vincent de Paul’s Car Camping Program.  Episcopal Church has volunteered to be the first host site for two huts.

Speakers at the event will include Dan Bryant, OVE Board chairman and Pastor of First Christian Church; Michael Carrigan, OVE Steering Committee member and community organizer for Community Alliance of Lane County (CALC) and a representative from the church.

People interested in helping construct the shelters or contributing cash or materials are invited to the event. Or checks can be sent made out to St. Vincent de Paul, designated for OVE and mailed to CALC, 458 Blair Blvd., Eugene 97402. Include an address so receipts can be mailed back. Phone number for more information is 606-3480 and the website is

Materials (new or used) needed include 1-inch cedar or Douglas fir planks, pressure-treated posts, 2X4s and 2X6s, 1/2-inch and 3/4-inch plywood, doors and hardware, pier blocks, etc.

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