A new business, Flower Power Self Defense for Girls, opens Feb. 16 with three beginning level classes to be held at 412 W. 17th Ave. Founder and director is Tonya Valadez who has a master’s degree in special education and eight years of teaching and training in self defense. Classes will be geared for ages 5 to 12. Valadez can be reached at sdforgirls@gmail.com or call 606-3541.
Oregon Dental Care near the Valley River Center this week announced a unique and inexpensive form of dental insurance available to the residents of Lane County. The plan provides comprehensive dental coverage for $4 per month for individuals and $8 per month for families, including grandchildren, according to Dr. Leigh Colby, founder and president of the practice. See oregondentalcareplan.com or call 505-5058.
Community Mediation Services, a Eugene-based nonprofit now located at 93 Van Buren St., will be offering its annual 40-Hour Basic Mediation Training on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays beginning Feb. 8. The training is designed to provide “conflict transformation” skills for the workplace, home or in community volunteer service. Early registration discount has expired and the cost is now $700. See communitymediationservices.com or call 344-5366.
The KLCC Microbrew Festival, a major benefit for the public radio station, is 5 to 11 pm Friday, Feb. 8, and 1 to 11 pm Saturday, Feb. 9, at the Fairgrounds. Tickets are $12 in advance (see klcc.org) or $15 at the door. Fifty-seven breweries from Oregon, California, Washington, Colorado, Alaska, Illinois, Hawaii, Vermont and Delaware will be offering samples. Live bands will perform and used CDs and records will be for sale.
Oakshire Brewing in Eugene has installed two shiny new 80-barrel fermentation tanks made by MetalCraft Fabrication in Portland. In 2012 Oakshire produced 6,500 gallons and plans to keep expanding to about 17,000 barrels annually. Each barrel is 31 gallons. See oakbrew.com
• Speaking of beer, home brewers and micro-breweries are discovering they can grow their own hops and some varieties do quite well in the southern Willamette Valley. OSU hops breeder Shaun Townsend teaches workshops on growing hops and says January and February are the best months for digging up rhizomes for later replanting. See the story at wkly.ws/1f8 or email Townsend at townsenm@onid.orst.edu
A “Breakfast of Champions” benefit for the nonprofit Pearl Buck Center is being planned for 7:30 am Thursday, Feb. 14, at LCC’s Center for Meeting and Learning, Building 19. Matt Coleman, assistant superintendent of Springfield Public Schools, will be keynote speaker. Registration deadline was Feb. 6. Call 484-4666 or email dena.amend@pearlbuckcenter.com to see if seats are still available.