Conspiracy Trove

A local publisher’s books go beyond the mainstream media

History is packed with grey cardinals and coups d’état, yet we often dismiss as fantasy the modern conspiracies of men.

“Conspiracies do happen,” says Kris Millegan, owner of local publishing house TrineDay Books, which helps lend credence to suppressed topics.

TrineDay has published over 50 titles in the last 12 years, focusing on subjects either taboo or reinvented by mainstream media, such as state-sponsored terrorism (Mark H. Gaffney’s Black 9/11) and government proliferation of cancer agents (Edward T. Haslam’s Dr. Mary’s Monkey).

Millegan doesn’t solicit manuscripts and accepts only a fraction of submissions. “I don’t look for orthodoxy,” he says, considering the counterproductive nature of today’s “conspiracy industry” in popular culture. “Those are just formula books,” he says. “You can blame anyone for anything if you want to.”

Though Millegan is certain there is treachery afoot in high places, he is not quick to play into the hands of an ideology. “By controlling the extremes, you control the middle,” he says. “The [agenda setters] give the left honest things to carry. They give the right honest things to carry. Then they watch them fight.”

In his younger days, Milligan says, “I’d find books in the library and think, ‘Why didn’t they teach me about that in school?’” He always looked for insight beyond the corporate headlines and learned not to be surprised to see the “fourth estate” eat its own.

“They let the media know CIA drugs wasn’t a story,” Millegan says. Gary Webb, a journalist who exposed the Iran-Contra Affair, was shouted down by his own newspaper and its stakeholders. He was forced out of the industry and later committed suicide. Webb was then posthumously rehabilitated by big metro dailies after the CIA’s role in global drug trafficking was further corroborated.

Millegan himself is the author of Fleshing Out Skull & Bones: Investigations into America’s Most Powerful Secret Society. The Yale University cohort was host to, for example, former President George W. Bush and Secretary of State John Kerry — puppet A and puppet B on the 2004 presidential ballot.

Milligan says not to take his word for anything, though. “Read 10 books about it. They won’t all agree. This is how you learn. If you know the back story, you can’t get hosed.”

For TrineDay Books’ full library of suppressed works, visit:

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