Decision nears on EWEB property

EWEB commissioners on Tuesday are expected to vote on a choice of three entities vying to buy and convert the utility’s vacant riverfront property into a “vibrant mixed-use district that will connect the city’s downtown core to the Willamette River,” according to a statement today from EWEB.

“After more than five years of planning and design work, along with several dozen community meetings, commissioners will discuss which of three prospective development groups should become the lead developer to implement EWEB’s community-inspired Riverfront Master Plan,” reads the statement.

The three teams seeking to become the master developer include Trammell Crow Co., Williams & Dame Development and the UO Foundation. “EWEB and city of Eugene staff, along with other community members, have been evaluating the three teams since July to determine which would best guide the master plan to fruition,” says EWEB.

“EWEB General Manager Roger Gray will make a recommendation to commissioners Tuesday. Commissioners will likely make a decision after a discussing the various attributes of the three development groups. Once commissioners choose a preferred developer, EWEB will begin the process of negotiating for the disposition of surplus property, property valuation and other conditions.”

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