Former pet store owner pays prostitute with Girl Scout donations and a bushbaby

Former Eugene area pet store owner Nathan McClain paid a prostitute with donations that were intended for the Girl Scouts and gave her a bushbaby (aka Galago primate) as a tip.

McClain was arrested after he was observed exiting an adult porn shop apparently under the influence of methamphetamines, according to the press release from the Eugene Police Department today.

The Galago, named Gooey, is safe.

The full press release is below.

Detectives Recover Galago Primate During Investigation

On March 1 and March 6, 2016, police received information of burglaries at the Zany Zoo Pet Store, and stolen property that included Girl Scout cookie money, a laptop computer and an exotic animal (a Galago primate). Eugene Property Crime detectives investigated the case and ultimately recovered the exotic animal from an out-of-town prostitute. Based on interviews and statements, it was discovered that Nathan Allen McClain paid the prostitute with store funds, which included the donation jar money for a sexual encounter with her. According to the woman, McClain gave her the exotic animal as a tip for her services. McClain was identified as the owner of the pet store.

The exotic animal was recovered by the Eugene Police Department on March 17, after locating the involved woman in a local area hotel. In the state of Oregon, it is prohibited to possess an exotic animal without a license issued by the State Department of Agriculture. The woman was cooperative, and provided a statement to detectives, along with the exotic animal.

On March 21, McClain was arrested by Oregon State Police in the parking lot of their Albany office for DUII-controlled substance. McClain was observed exiting the adult porn shop next door and he appeared to be under the influence of methamphetamine. McClain was arrested and lodged in the Linn County jail for DUII.  (OSP Case: SP16083129)

McClain was interviewed by EPD detectives on March 21 in Eugene and it appeared he was under the influence of methamphetamine. McClain was found to have to paid the prostitute for sex on March 1 with deposit and donation money from the store.

On April 21, 2016, McClain was arrested for prostitution and lodged at the Lane County Jail. The investigation into the burglaries is unfounded and the missing Girl Scout money was never recovered and is still under investigation.

The exotic animal, Gooey, is safe and currently at a nearby sanctuary until the USDA issues a new license for Zany Zoo Pet Store.

According to the Zany Zoo Facebook page:

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