Know Your Rights tonight (and get ice water and Gatorade to beat the heat) at Kesey Square

The Civil Liberties Defense Center is hosting a Know Your Rights information booth at Kesey Square today, Thursday, Aug. 18, 7:30 pm-9 pm at Kesey Square (10th & Broadway).

The Eugene Police Department recently increased its presence downtown with its Community OutReach Team (CORT). EPD says in its press release that “Trespass, drug and alcohol use, drug sales, prostitution, robbery and serious assaults typically increase in the downtown area during the spring and summer, as the weather improves.”

EPD says the downtown effort seeks to “identify the people who most frequently end up with citations or arrests, assess the factors that may contribute the most strongly to this, and then find the people and offer them services to address their most critical needs.” But EW has received calls from people concerned or threatened by the inreased presesnce of law enforcement.

Attorney Lauren Regan of the Civil Liberties Defense Center announced todat the the CLDC will “be hosting a Know Your Rights information booth at Kesey Square to empower everyone in the Eugene community to know their rights when interacting with the police. Advice on constitutional rights, such as the right to assemble in public places like Kesey Square, sidewalks and public parks will be emphasized as well as basic instruction on how to ‘Copwatch,’ or video record law enforcement.”

The CLDC release continues:

The increased presence of the Eugene Police Department has made many in the community feel less welcome and afraid to be downtown. The EPD has been observed hassling the unhoused during their “outreach” efforts downtown

“Everyone in the United States has the same constitutional rights, whether you are a traveler or a shopper. Class discrimination is unconstitutional and unethical. Our community must deal with the lack of services and support for poor and disabled individuals instead of using cops to push these individuals out of sight.” Explained Lauren Regan, Executive Director and Attorney at the Civil Liberties Defense Center said on Thursday.   “Placing a booth full of cops in the midst of a highly used public forum is chilling to those who wish to exercise their right to free speech and assembly. If we do not stand up for the rights of marginalized people with less power, we will all eventually suffer from the erosion of those rights,” she said.

The CLDC will also be handing out “Know Your Rights “ brochures, Gatorade, ice water and snacks to help those without access to air conditioning to help beat todays heat as well. Some people could use a reminder about humanity it seems.

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