Since inaugurating the monthly SPIN dance roundup in 2014, we’re pleased as punch that it’s taken off, gathering enough momentum to warrant two columns per month. Hopefully you’re clipping it out and tacking it to your fridge or sharing it online: We want this to be an inclusive, fun way to keep up with what’s happening in the world of local dance.
And if you’re an artist or presenter, we sincerely hope that this regular coverage brings some shiny new participants and patrons right to your door.
(Not part of the SPIN party yet? Please write to eugeneweeklydance@gmail.com and we’ll add you to our list right away, and then you, too, can receive free emails with fabulous submission deadlines.)
Writing the SPIN each month, and features on dance whenever we can, we’re struck by the variety and richness of the Eugene dance scene. From modern, ballet and hip-hop companies, to dance studios and workshops, from lively social dances to focused higher education, this creative community abounds with talent and energy.
In this issue we’ll shine a spotlight on dancer and teacher Bonnie Simoa. We’ll see what’s new with the West African Cultural Arts Institute and we’ll groove with Coalessence Dance. We’re also taking a longer look at the state of dance in our little burg, asking questions about where dance in Eugene has been, and considering how to protect and encourage our community’s artistic future.
Spin on!