
New website! chilling RG asset sale and op ed on Dreamers

Thumbs up to UO President Michael Schill for joining with Oregon Senate President Peter Courtney to write a powerful op-ed for The Oregonian recently in support of the Dreamers. To quote them, “As presidents of the Oregon State Senate and the University of Oregon, each of us has a unique perspective on how protecting undocumented children, known as Dreamers, benefits Oregon. These protections create opportunity. They create hope. They create promise for a generation of young people. It is also the right thing to do.”

• The news is chilling for our colleagues at The Register-Guard following the announced sale of the newspaper to GateHouse Media as of March 1. A notice in the RG employee lunchroom says existing employees may or may not receive an offer of employment from GateHouse, which is buying only the assets of the family-owned business. “If you do receive such an offer, please review it carefully, because the offer will be for a job with very different terms and conditions than those under which you currently work,” the notice says. Our guess is that “very different” doesn’t mean “better.”

Rumor has it that RG workers get to apply for their old jobs in interviews Feb. 12-14; those who don’t make the cut will be gone by the end of the month.

We wish everyone on Chad Drive the very best of luck.

Eugene Weekly is excited to announce we launched our new website this week with a new, clean, graphically appealing (and mobile friendly) look. With the new site at, we’ll be hosting significantly more content on a weekly basis, so keep an eye on our social media feeds for updates. Our comprehensive “What’s Happening” calendar will be even more user-friendly with readers using the online form to submit events. And to encourage readers to use our robust Letters to the Editor section, the site won’t host comments. Send us a letter ( or comment on Facebook. Enjoy!

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