I met Lynn Bowers in 2006 when she worked with Jan Wroncy analyzing activity notifications from the Oregon Department of Forestry. They chose strategic sections of timberland and then paid for subscriptions to receive ODF mailings of logging, poisoning, fertilizing, stream-crossing, etc.
Bowers turned the raw data into finely drawn maps and colored yearly overlays that graphically displayed patterns of forestland poisonings upwind and upstream of homes, communities and schools. She soon founded Forestland Dwellers to protect people and wildlife from chemical trespass and contamination.
Bowers’ accumulated efforts led to the only forensic analysis of post-poison spray records made, available at Beyond Toxics’ website. The Triangle Lake data show massive overkill, with reckless and increasing use, all in an area under close scrutiny by ODF and the Oregon Health Authority. Her kind persistence also led directly to the 2017 ODF FERNS website, where all citizens can see for free what the chemical deforestation industries are planning for their watersheds.
Bowers loved being home and hated to travel after dark, but she did. She worked for years, unsuccessfully, to get Lane Electric Coop and then Lane County to adopt rational Integrated Vegetation Management policies. She made the connections between wildlife, biodiversity, rights of nature and human Community Rights, and became the chief petitioner for the campaign to ban aerial poisoning in Lane County.
Our leader Lynn Bowers left us with many loving memories and essential projects. A potluck celebration of Lynn’s wonderfulness will be 4-7 pm April 29 at Hilyard Community Center.
John Sundquist