I have been aware of our Lane County commissioners’ actions for more than 20 years, and in the majority of those years we have not been represented. Pete Sorenson is the lone commissioner working for us today, and he is in the minority.
What was done to former Commissioner Rob Handy was shameful. We can change that with this next election. I will be sure to drop my ballot in the election box before the May 15 deadline.
I am deeply concerned that if we don’t vote out Sid Leiken, Jay Bozievich and Gary Williams as Lane County commissioners, our quality of living in Lane County will decline rapidly.
I have total confidence in Joe Berney taking Leiken’s place, Kevin Matthews or James Barber (both are great) taking Gary Williams’ place, and Nora Kent taking Jay Bozievich’s place as our new Lane County commissioners.
We cannot allow the business as usual, clearcutting and poison spraying of our rural lands, and large out-of-state tax breaks while the average citizen struggles. They are working for special interests and they need to go. Time’s up!
Pamela Driscoll