Sign at Eugene rally in support of immigrants. Photo by David Geitgey Sierralupe

Families Belong Together in Eugene

Hundreds turned out to rally for immigrants at the federal courthouse

President Donald Trump says he’s reversed course on separating families at the border, but according to the Associated Press, the “Trump administration is still dealing with the fallout: It’s still not clear how officials will implement the policy or comply with a court order requiring that families be reunited within 30 days.”

Here in Eugene, an estimated 1,000 or more people rallied June 30 in support of immigrants and against the policy of separating children from their parents. The Eugene rally was in conjunction with rallies and marches across the country and filled the block in front of the Wayne Morse Federal Courthouse.

If you missed Saturday’s event, Eugene rally organizer Catherine Clinton is coordinating a 5:30 pm Tuesday, July 3 event in the Park Blocks in downtown Eugene as part of a “Mama’s Week of Action,” in solidarity with “families being brutalized by a cruel and inhumane border policy.” According to Clinton’s press release, the Tuesday event is part of “protests, rallies, protest play dates, sit-ins and caravans planned across the nation.” The Eugene event will feature “music, food, kid crafts, a silent auction and speakers at this rally, which is also a fundraiser for the Latinx Alliance of Lane County.”

Community photographer David Geitgey Sierralupe captured these images at the June 30 rally at federal courthouse.

Ralliers gathered in front of the federal courthouse to hear speeches in English and Spanish.
Melania Trump’s jacket did not escape scrutiny at the rally

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