Michael Moore in Fahrenheit 11/9


Watching Michael Moore’s new documentary, Fahrenheit 11/9, is like taking a punch right to the gut. Our situation is dire, and Moore refuses to look away. Not only is the film an indictment of the mindboggling rise of an unhinged tyrant like Trump but it lays out the decades-long process by which our country was primed to slide into corporate fascism. Moore’s outrage isn’t reserved for the evil Republican Party alone. Remember, the genocidal poisoning of Flint’s water supply (10,000 kids with dangerous levels of lead poisoning) happened under Obama, who then smugly sipped a glass of Michigan water and approved a full-blown “practice” military strike on sections of Flint — basically turning it into a mini-Syria that terrorized the local population. And don’t even get Moore started on slick-as-snot Bill Clinton, who “sold us down the river” through NAFTA, the Omnibus Crime Bill and other whorings to our current corporate overlords. Along with the tragedy, Fahrenheit 11/9 offers visions of hope: The young Parkland activists influencing elections, teachers successfully striking, and a great moment where Moore himself attempts to citizen-arrest Michigan’s governor. A sobering, devastating film, and perhaps Moore’s best and most important yet. 

Been wondering who writes those “Our View” editorials running in The Register-Guard since the editorial page staff departed Sept. 4? So have we. A former RG insider suggests at least some come from a Portland-based service called Opinion in a Pinch. “Are you a newspaper editorial editor with a looming deadline?” its website asks. “Opinion in a Pinch can help you produce the right editorial … to achieve your goals.” We emailed Chris Trejbal, a former newspaper guy and founder of the company. “We have clients around the country, but I don’t discuss specifics of our client list,” he replied. “If the Eugene Weekly ever finds that it needs some editorials written, I hope you’ll consider using our services.” Thanks, Chris, but we roll our own here. RG editor Alison Bath and publisher Shanna Cannon did not reply to emails seeking comment. Welcome to gig economy journalism.

• Bonny McCornack dropped a bombshell on City Club of Eugene on Oregon Measure 102 (Allow Municipal Bond Revenue to Fund Privately Owned Affordable Housing Amendment). The Sept. 21 program offered two credible speakers, both in favor of the measure. Kaarin Knudson, architect and urban designer, and Emily Reiman, executive director of NEDCO, Neighborhood Economic Development Corporation. There was no opposition speaker on the program. That’s because there is no organized opposition, but two questioners clearly opposed the measure and one circulated McCornack’s statement “opposition to measure 102.” In her usual crisp manner, McCornack calls the measure “corporate welfare” and writes, “Instead of banks financing private development, it will be taxpayers financing private development.” She convinced us we better do more digging on this measure before we vote in November. 

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