Christy Inskip

Endorsements: State Legislature

Make your vote matter at the state level

State Legislature


7th District Christy Inskip (D) v. Cedric Hayden (R)

Christy Inskip knows what it’s like to struggle. She grew up in the Ozarks of Missouri, living in poverty and without health care. She was the first four-year college graduate in her family. Inskip is now a Tobacco Prevention Coordinator at Lane County Public Health, working with elected officials to pass policies that protect children from tobacco.

Knowing the struggle of the working class is what encouraged Inskip to jump into the public sector and eventually to run as state representative for Oregon District 7.

“I have a heart for the people,” Inskip says. “That’s why I got into working in public health and that’s why I’ve been a public servant for my entire career in public health.”

Inskip lives in Cottage Grove, the most populous town in her district, and is challenging incumbent Republican Cedric Hayden. Hayden has been in the district’s Oregon House of Representatives seat since 2015, but Inskip feels confident about competing against him.

“I’m feeling really excited. I’ve been getting a lot of support from the community across the district,” Inskip says. She says she’s gotten endorsements from Democrats like U.S. Sens. Jeff Merkley and Ron Wyden and others, but also from Republicans as well, like Cottage Grove Mayor Jeff Gowing and Cottage Grove City Councilor Kenneth Michael Roberts.

Along with her focus on public health and health care, Inskip is a member of Lane County’s union, AFSCME, and is focused on working Oregonians and workers’ rights. She says other issues she’s focused on are education — increasing Oregon’s high school graduation rate, offering more career technical education to students and increasing access to early childhood education — and the environment; Inskip says she’s interested in looking at “passing laws to get us to zero carbon emissions by 2050,” with options like exploring a carbon cap-and-trade and the clean energy jobs bill.

Mostly, Inskip says the people of her district feel they are not being heard and properly represented by their current representative, and that’s a big gap she wants to fill.

“I really care about increasing equity and inclusion in our communities and improving the health of all Oregonians,” Inskip says. “And that means that every single person has a voice in the Capital. I’m really passionate about that.”

We endorse Christy Inskip for the Oregon House of Representatives.

8th District Paul R. Holvey (D)

9th District Teri Grier (R) v. Caddy McKeown (D)

Sometimes Caddy McKeown votes in ways we can’t fathom — she was the sole Democrat to vote against a bill to prevent convicted stalkers from owning firearms, and the Oregon League of Conservation Voters gives her a lifetime score of 69 percent for her enviro voting record — but she also voted in favor of the 2017 bill that requires coverage for abortions and contraceptives. Grier is endorsed by Oregon Right to Life and the anti-gay marriage Oregon Family Council. Gross. McKeown gets the nod from NARAL and Planned Parenthood. Go McKeown. We need a woman’s right to choose preserved in Oregon as the new Supreme Court increases the changes abortion rights will get tossed back to the states.


Marty Wilde

11th District Marty Wilde (D) v. Mark F. Herbert (R)

Marty Wilde can add the EW endorsement to a list of awards that include a Bronze Star. Let’s not focus on his military service, although it is a great indication of his willingness to serve in ways that aren’t glamorous. With state Rep. Phil Barnhart retiring, the Oregon Legislature needs Wilde.

The next legislative session will see some key bills, which includes passing a cap-and-invest bill. More than ever, Oregon needs climate change legislation. The United Nations reported earlier this month basically that if we as humanity don’t do anything to curb carbon emissions, we’ll be living a Mad Max-esque reality by 2100. Although cap and invest won’t be enough, it will not only do Oregon’s part in cutting emissions but also be a source of revenue.

That’s not to say that Salem needs Wilde just to cast a vote on one issue. He says Oregon needs a sustainable timber harvest model because the current system of clear-cut, aerial spray and neglect “scars the Earth,” and it doesn’t provide a steady income but does poison its residents and cause forest fires. Wilde isn’t just someone looking to surf the blue wave into Salem. He’s the real deal.

That’s why we’re voting Wilde this November.

12th District John Lively (D)

13th District Nancy Nathanson (D)


Julie Fahey

14th District Julie Fahey (D) v. Rich Cunningham (R)

After one term in the Legislature, Fahey already looks like she will be a leader in the governance of this state. She’s smart. She works hard. She listens. Cunningham has a record of public service, including years on the Bethel school board, but this is an easy one.  A big “yes” for Julie Fahey.


4th District Scott Rohter (R) v. Floyd Prozanski (D) 

File this under no-brainer. From supporting public education to favoring legal marijuana, Prozanski has been a leader in the Senate. Rohter on the other hand is basically a rightwing wingnut, who is vehemently anti-abortion and posts nonsense such as “Any woman that drinks right out of a bottle like Christine Blasey Ford did is not a lady” on his social media accounts. Prozanski’s detractors call him “Pink Floyd.” We’re just going to say, “Shine on you crazy diamond,” and vote for Floyd Prozanski.

6th District Lee L. Beyer (D) v. Robert Schwartz (R)

Robert Schwartz, a ballroom dancing teacher, is an interesting guy and isn’t the typical Republican. We think it’s a bold strategy to buy the domain name — and fill it with typos. It’s just not time to experiment with Schwartz. State Sen. Lee Beyer has been a pillar of the Oregon Legislature and continues to have Springfield at the front of his mind when in Salem. Although Beyer helped craft the bike tax that has worried some local bike shops, it was done to ensure the two-wheeling riders contribute to the infrastructure they rely upon to commute to work. Beyer’s knack for creative legislation is what we need in Salem as Oregonians start to deal with its declining infrastructure.

7th District James I. Manning Jr. (D)

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