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Eugene Weekly looks a little different this week, as our art director, Todd Cooper, launches a redesign of the paper. And before you get started with any conspiracy theories, unlike when The Register-Guard went to bigger font and small columns after being purchased by GateHouse Media, presumably in order to reduce the amount of local content, EW has neither been sold (locally owned since about 1982, been there and you can buy the T-shirt) nor are we reducing content. We’re just making our good journalism a little prettier.

• We endorsed Sen. Bernie Sanders for president in 2016. Sadly, he didn’t get nominated. And, when President Donald Trump visited Eugene, he expressed regret he wouldn’t be able to run against Sanders. Well, get ready Trump, because Sanders announced his presidential ambitions for 2020 on Feb. 19. We’re excited not only to hear about what policies he has drawn up to save the U.S. but also for Seinfeld co-creator Larry David’s return to Saturday Night Live. 

After last Monday night’s loss to Oregon State, we Duck women’s basketball fans have two things to worry about. One is Ruthie Hebard’s knee. Will this key player be okay for the rest of the season? The other is Sabrina Ionescu’s future. We hear rumblings about her interest in going pro after this, her junior season. We also hear that salaries are too low for women basketball players in the U.S., but they can play in another country (Poland, for instance) and make ten times the American wage. We’ll wager that she stays right here where the fans love her.

Morsels: Dillon DeBauche is the new baker out at Camas Country Mill Bakery and Store in Junction City at 91948 Purkerson Road. He turns out a killer black rye loaf on Fridays with some left on Saturdays. His spelt flour bread is baked Wednesday through Saturday, and the fine country loaf is always available. It’s fun to buy these breads still warm.

• Is Amazon pulling out of New York City a cautionary tale for subsidies? NYC offered $1.525 billion in incentives contingent on the company creating 25,000 new jobs with an average salary of $150,000. And that got the city… nothing. As EW has previously reported on, governments aren’t so hot on checking to make sure the incentives result in benefits to cities and counties, and in all honesty, if we are going to subsidize businesses, let’s focus on growing small, local companies. 

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