Pacific Greens Weigh in on Venezuela

Oregon Pacific Green Party says it opposes attempts by the Trump administration to foment a coup in Venezuela

The U.S. has a history of interfering in Venezuelan politics.

Who are we kidding? The U.S. has a long history of interfering in all of Latin American politics.

The Oregon Pacific Green party says in a Feb. 22 press release that it “opposes attempts by the Trump administration to foment a coup in Venezuela,” and it alleges that “since Hugo Chavez’s election in 1999, USA administrations have attacked the Venezuelan people through economic sabotage, propaganda and direct support of anti-government ‘resistance’ groups.”

The Pacific Greens wrap up by congratulating Reps. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawauu, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota and Ro Khanna and Barbara Lee of California “on their principled stands,” and calls upon members of the Oregon congressional delegation — Rep. Peter DeFazio and Sens. Merkeley and Wyden to “assert the authority of Congress and speak out against the militarist designs of the administration.”

The full press release is below.

The Pacific Green Party says:  Hands Off Venezuela!

“The Oregon Pacific Green Party opposes attempts by the Trump administration to foment a coup in Venezuela. This destabilization of Venezuela follows more than a century of North American interference to gain control of natural resources, exploitable land and labor to benefit USA corporations in Latin America. Since Hugo Chavez’s election in 1999, USA administrations have attacked the Venezuelan people through economic sabotage, propaganda and direct support of anti-government ‘resistance’ groups. Most recently the USA administration urged Juan Guaido, the conservative Speaker of Venezuela’s parliament, to declare himself president, akin to Nancy Pelosi declaring herself the president of the United States at the urging of a foreign power. There is no constitutional basis for Guaido’s claim, nor popular support for the regime change sought by Wall Street and international oil companies. If regime change is supported by the majority of Venezuelan voters, let Venezuelans decide that in the next presidential election.

Nicolas Maduro received 68 percent approval in the 2018 presidential election. Outside election monitors certified that the election complied with all international standards and national electoral law.

The US Green Party’s position statement is at

A few Democratic members of the US Congress have expressed opposition to USA interference. The Pacific Green Party congratulates Representatives Tulsi Gabbard (HI), Ilhan Omar (MN), Ro Khanna (CA) and Barbara Lee (CA) on their principled stands. We urge Representative DeFazio and Senators Merkley and Wyden to also assert the authority of Congress and speak out against the militarist designs of the administration.

For more information, visit”

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