
When it snows in Eugene and Lane County, it brings out a little bit of everything. Sure, Eugene’s non-bare pavement policy means we have to drive a little slower, and yes, Oregon lacks snow plows, but there is just a little fun in a snow day. We applaud the Egan Warming Centers and the volunteers who opened their doors to the unhoused in this weather, and big snowy hugs to the Junction City School District for its hysterical snow day music videos which, if you missed it, you can check out here. And as long as you’re online, Eugene Weekly readers submitted an amazing collection of snow day photos on our Facebook page!

• What we are reading: The Threat: How the FBI Protects America in the Age of Terror of Trump by Andrew G. McCabe, St. Martin’s Press. When a book is so broadly reviewed, with author interviews all over the media, why read it? This one is different. It’s a quick read at 262 pages, and it’s critically important to America today. McCabe was deputy director of the FBI after serving more than 21 years. When he writes about those in our own country “who intend to unravel the rule of law in the United States,” we had better listen and read on.

• Both Green Book and Roma, two of the big winners in Sunday’s Academy Awards, were backed by Participant Media, which is run by David Linde. Lindy grew up in Eugene, and was class president and a soccer player at South Eugene High School. He has talked in early interviews about riding his bike around Eugene looking for movies to see. From here he went on to Swarthmore College and then on to eventually become a powerful player in the movie industry.

• Morsels: We noticed that the old Allan Bros. at the Farmers Union at 152 W. 5th Avenue has a new coffee spot in place. Slightly Coffee Roasters recently announced their new location, which happens to be the old Beanery. Operating as Farmers Union Coffee Roasters and brought to you by the folks who brought you The Barn Light, the new place is off and running.

We weren’t nearly as shocked as The Register-Guard when we saw that the Non Sequitur comic buried “Go fuck yourself Trump” as an Easter egg in a recent Sunday comic. Actually, we were more shocked to see how badly the RG got the vapors over the F-bomb. Readers appealed to us, and one even stepped up and made a contribution to cover the first 10 times we run the cartoon. So welcome to EW, Non Sequitur, clearly we have similar views on Trump. Look for a contribution link on our website in the near future if you feel the need to put a bit of cold hard cash toward some hot journalism, or at least a good comic strip or two.

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