The Levy Should Break

Oregon doesn’t have a money problem. Oregon has a tax problem. Stop asking working class people to continue to dig into our empty wallets to fund public education when the state refuses to tax those who have the money.

According to, there are 89,383 millionaire households and two billionaire households in Oregon. The tax rate for someone making more than $125,000 a year is 9.9 percent. Someone making $8,700 or more pays a 9-percent tax rate. Someone making $3,450 or more pays a 7-percent tax rate.

And imagine making less than $3,450 a year and paying just 4.9 percent less than someone making well over $100,000 a year. I’m not anti-taxes. I’m pro-justice!

I find it highly offensive that people who are barely making ends meet — paying high rents, utilities, transportation, with the cost of food going up and being unable to save because of low wages — should be made to feel guilty about not supporting a levy because we are the working poor.

What if we tax the rich appropriately, so our schools, teachers and students thrive? I’m not anti-education; I just believe that we deserve progressive taxation, and for those who have more to participate in the community with the rest of us.

Don’t like it? Please take your money and leave. Until we get justice, I won’t continue taxing myself to death. No to 4J Levy.

Suzanne Sanders


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