Twenty-Seven Candidates, One County

Eugene residents dish on whom they’re likely to vote for in the 2020 presidential election

Eugene Weekly went out in search of the low-down on how the city’s residents feel about the 2020 presidential candidates. We ran around town and asked people a simple question: “If the presidential election were held today, who would you vote for and why?”

EW sought out answers in the farthest reaches of the city to get the big picture, even going as far as the West 11th Avenue Walmart in search of more conservative viewpoints. 

For the most part, Eugene did not disappoint, though it would have been nice had more local self-identified Trump supporters opted to share why they support him. Most preferred not to.

Here are the first five answers in what will be an ongoing series.



Photo by Colin Houck

Richard Cassani, 67,
shipping clerk

If I had to choose a candidate today, I’d probably vote for Bernie Sanders. You know, it’s kind of funny, but all the other candidates are copying his ideas, like Medicare for all and erasing college debt, from the 2016 election. I think that shows how much of a leader he really is.



Photo by Colin Houck

Anthony Johnson, 41,
business consultant

If the election were held today, I’d vote for Elizabeth Warren because I prefer the kind of candidate who can lay out detailed policy positions. I also like that she supports Medicare for all and reducing student debt. Those are both important issues for me. I like that she’s not only experienced, but she wants to put her experience to work for good.



Photo by Colin Houck

Jason Myers, 42,
sheet metal fabricator

I’m definitely voting for [Donald] Trump. For me it’s mostly about economic issues. Being in the steel industry, the China tariffs have worked out great for me. I’m okay with building the wall. I’m not as crazy about it as some people, though. I think we need more manpower at the border, and that’s where the money should go.



Photo by Colin Houck

Perry Adams, 59,
owner of Irie Jamaican  Kitchen food cart

I’d vote for [Joe] Biden – preferably a Biden/ Harris ticket. For me, that’d be a winning ticket. They’ve both been there and done that. Kamala Harris’ criminal justice background leaves some things to be desired, but I think everyone has baggage and they’ve both dealt with theirs well. And she’s a bright woman, and I think she’ll do great things for the country.



Photo by Colin Houck

Mary Baxter, 61,
University of Oregon instructor

If the election were held today, I think I’d vote for Elizabeth Warren. She has really good ideas about how things should be in the country, and I think it’s time for a woman president. Plus I like her professional demeanor and the fact she’s so well organized compared to others, especially Hillary Clinton. She doesn’t overdo it.

Photos by Colin Houck

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