
• Kudos to Sarah Ciampa, exhibits coordinator of Maude Kerns Art Center, who hung the work of 150 member artists in the Art for All Seasons exhibit now covering the walls of the old church on East 15th Avenue. It’s a non-juried show in which member artists are allowed one or two pieces each, and it was up to Ciampa to put it all together. The opening on Nov. 15 was so crowded that you could hardly see the art, but the show is open until Dec. 20. Club Mud also has its ceramics holiday sale at the same time inside the art center.

• It’s freezing this week, and the good people who volunteer with the Egan Warming Center are opening doors across town for unhoused people. Across the street from Eugene Weekly, Eric Jackson’s homeless protest camp has settled in for another week. We understand the businesses are affected by camps such as these, with issues from sanitation to safety. But just chasing unhoused people away means those with nowhere to be just move to another spot. We need solutions. The people in camps along the streets, under overpasses and along the river are homeless people, not the “homeless.” Each person has their own story and reasons for how they got into this situation. Homeless people are not the problem, and getting angry at them is not a solution. There is no silver bullet, no single way to address this problem. EW is a paper in search of solutions, and this community — from this paper, to individuals to businesses to elected officials and government offices — needs to work together to fix the society and system that has created this situation.

Is lying ever OK? That’s a relevant question for children to talk about today, according to three speakers at the City Club of Eugene on Nov. 15. Led by Paul Bodin, a highly respected educator from both 4J and the University of Oregon; Caroline Lundquist, a UO philosophy professor; and Carly Leavitt, a fifth grade teacher, they described their experiences teaching children philosophy. Between 2013 and 2019, the UO departments of philosophy and education studies collaborated with 4J schools to offer weekly philosophy lessons to more than 2,500 children, ages 7-12. They talked about ethics, environmental studies, epistemology, metaphysics, gender identity, aesthetics, and race. As Bodin put it, “children are natural philosophers.”

EW made its pro wrestling debut at POW! Pro Wrestling’s Nov. 17 show. During the main event tag team elimination match, “King of Pop Culture” HBQ asked Dr. Kliever of No Lives Matter for an autograph of EW’s Nov. 5 issue. Now, Kliever didn’t like this because in the photo he was the victim of the dreaded camel clutch. Kliever signed the EW but then struck HBQ. The newspaper lasted seconds in the ring before it was torn to shreds. Check out the video at Will EW return to the squared circle at POW!’s Jan. 12 show at the UO’s Gerlinger Hall? We don’t know but we’re putting hours in at the gym just in case. 

• A lot of Eugene Weekly readers are big Sudoku fans. So big that when we miss a puzzle we get calls, emails and even handwritten notes that say the puzzlers are distraught without their Sudoku. We hear you! But we used up all our Sudokus from our previous puzzle provider and they are not getting back to us on more. So we found a local Oregon puzzle writer and we are going to try her out. The puzzle is a bit different — using letters not numbers — but give it a chance. Then let us know what you think ( and if we should keep it or try something else. The new puzzle starts next week. 

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