Peter DeFazio has represented Oregon’s Fourth District with distinction for more than 30 years, providing many reasons to support his re-election. Doyle Canning is challenging DeFazio in the Democratic primary.
The district is not just Lane and Benton counties, both reliably Democratic. Also in the district are Linn, Douglas, Coos, Curry and Josephine counties, all of which are very reliably Republican.
The Republican National Committee and big timber in Oregon are making a united effort to back Alek Skarlatos, whose website lists him as an actor and “Conservative for Oregon.”
Canning will not carry Linn, Douglas, Coos, Curry or Josephine counties, and her winning the Democratic primary would be a dream scenario for the RNC and Oregon big timber.
Keep DeFazio in Congress for a proven effective voice against all that is Donald Trump.
David Jensen