I disagree with some of Eugene Weekly’s local election endorsements (EW 4/23).
I would not re-elect Lucy Vinis as mayor. She and the city she runs have dragged their feet on homeless shelter and affordable housing and seem incapable of ever doing anything quickly. They move at a glacial speed and usually only when pushed.
I will vote for Cliff Gray instead of Claire Syrett because Gray seems a lot more focused on doing something about homelessness. Syrett has shown no leadership and seems to go along with the rest of the city councilors on just about everything.
Ryan Moore instead of Randy Groves because Moore is a young renter and a leader in SETA, the Springfield-Eugene Tenants Association, which runs an advice hotline for renters. Eugene’s most important issue is housing, and I don’t know what Groves has ever done about that. We need renters on the City Council. We’re 52 percent of Eugene residents.
Tim Morris instead of Emily Semple because Semple just doesn’t get it about homelessness and affordable housing. She’s another go-along person. Morris is also a young renter and a SETA leader.
Lynn Porter
Homeless Action