I am writing to express my dismay at the pattern and script President Donald Trump is running about elections. It is alarming! I can’t stand to listen to him anymore! He is trying to discredit an election that has not happened yet and justify staying in office! I hold every Republican senator who helped keep him in office responsible for this ridiculous situation. It is clear that while Americans suffer and die, the Republicans hem and haw about what to do. It is clear they care more about the economy and their own pockets than the American people. I would urge every family member who lost a loved one due to Trump’s failed handling of COVID-19 and every American who has lost their jobs, homes or business to vote every Republican senator out of office! I have just one voice and one vote!
I fear for the United States for the first time in my life. I am angry and feel helpless; to quote a famous phrase, “Who ya gonna call” when you are afraid of the president? I am retired and feel my joy and freedoms are being taken away by a pandemic and a president, while billionaires profit and support him. Thanks for letting me share.
Julie Thibedeau
Cottage Grove