Time For A Progressive Mayor

Mayor Lucy Vinis has had such an unremarkable mayoral tenure that, just months after her re-election, we are already talking about who might replace her. Yet, the options are bleak. Councilor Alan Zelenka, who is supposedly the left wing candidate, is just another establishment politician funded by the Oregon Realtors Association who can’t even bring himself to take a bold stand on climate change — an issue in which he prides himself as a leader. The last thing that this city needs is another mayor too scared by monied interests to fight for the issues that matter most to their constituency.

It is far past time that Eugene elected a mayor with the courage and vision to lead us with the progressive politics this city is known for, rather than another shill for the real estate industry that is only good for spouting tepid platitudes and doing the bidding of the affluent. It is time for bold leadership on economic, environmental and racial justice. There is no shortage of qualified candidates — Joel Iboa, Doyle Canning, Zondie Zinke and Maya Rabasa, to name a few. It is time for the progressive wing of Eugene politics to take a stand.

Kate Goldsworthy


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