
Here’s a rumor we like: Dawn Lesley is considering a run against Jay Bozievich in 2022 for Lane County Commissioner. She came within about 70 votes of defeating him in 2014, and this time she should win it. A commissioner since 2010, Bozievich is rumored to be interested in running for governor. Seems unlikely he’ll win that race, either.

• Wildest new take on the Oregon governor’s race comes from Willamette Week in Portland. Nicholas Kristof, Pulitzer-prize winning journalist who grew up on a farm in Yamhill county, says, “I have friends trying to convince me that here in Oregon we need new leadership from outside the broken political system.” Wait. Is this all about ego? Or sexism? Or misguided self-importance? Does Oregon have a broken political system? Is someone without experience in governing better suited than the many candidates steeped in policy experience looking at this race? It certainly is a new perspective on Kristof, who doesn’t deny that he is interested.

• What we will read next: Evelyn Hess’s new book, Shoulder to Shoulder: Working Together for a Sustainable Future. This fine Eugene author has gathered together a series of vivid stories. As Richard Heinberg writes, “If there is hope to be found in these troubled times, it is in the life lessons of people like these.”

• A new Blue Lives Matter billboard is up on Highway 126 near the Mohawk Boulevard exit in Springfield. The billboard features slick social media personality Rick Dancer, Crisdental owner Dr. Michael Bratland and the widow of Eugene police officer Chris Kilcullen. The billboard is up months after two reports were published. One said the city’s police mishandled a stop that resulted in the 2019 killing of Stacy Kenny, and the other found SPD made several errors in dealing with a Black Lives Matter-related protest in Thurston. And the city is currently in the midst of a lawsuit from the Thurston protest. We could write more on this, but “Get Real, Dick” by Joey Helpish (look it up on YouTube) does a pretty good job covering our thoughts. 

  Crowds are starting to mingle again in Eugene, a pleasant sight for everyone’s sore eyes. We don’t yet know the full economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, but as restrictions are now lifted, this past weekend had a good look. Stores and restaurants downtown had customers, Eugene Saturday Market and Lane County Farmers Market were busy, bicyclists were everywhere and everyone seemed relaxed. We hope the good vibes continue throughout the hot summer ahead.

CAHOOTS is still making waves in national outlets. The model for an alternative approach to policing was profiled in the July 15 issue of People magazine, in which we were delighted to see featured photos by EW’s very own art director Todd Cooper. 

This week’s cover story was developed in a collaboration with the Catalyst Journalism Project at the University of Oregon School of Journalism and Communication. We are grateful to work with Catalyst and its talented student journalists in publishing stories that shed light on critical issues in our community and hold those in power accountable. 

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