Cai Emmons Reminds Us To Take Action

Thanks so much for the inspirational story of Cai Emmons (“A Final Chapter” by Ella Hutcherson, EW 9/2). So exciting to read how she and her partner make the most of each moment, a sense of urgency in their lives and writing. Brings back memories of my brother Bob, his terminal diagnosis from cancer (lived 15 years after that), the unknown question of when, and the urgency with which he volunteered with RESULTS ( to bring an end to the worse aspects of hunger and poverty.

He would have been so pleased to see the president’s agenda for American families, cutting poverty, helping to end homelessness, and so much more. Perhaps we can be inspired to action, realizing in a democracy our voices matter: thanking the president (202-456-1111) and encouraging our senators and representatives (202-224-3121) to support the president’s life-changing family agenda. 

Willie Dickerson

Snohomish, Washington

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