A little bird tells us that The Register-Guard is moving from the big building on Chad Drive to a smaller space on 10th and Mill — across from the old RG building, which is now the Baker Center. When the Baker family sold the paper, Guard Publishing Company still owned the building. Now that the paper no longer prints locally, there’s no need for all that space. We welcome our daily paper returning to the city center and, hopefully, having more resources to put into reporting. After all, Eugene Weekly can attest it doesn’t take a lot of real estate to put out a good paper! We now eagerly await the RG story about the move.
• We were out and about this past weekend and it felt good! There was a big crowd at the two-day gem show at the Lane County Fairgrounds. And another big group at the Eugene Ballet Company’s performance of Cinderella with Orchestra Next in the pit. Still more folks roaming around Fifth Street Market shops on the weekend. We’re coming back, vaccinated, still wearing masks but we’re getting there!
• Let’s celebrate! Terry McDonald has been with St. Vincent de Paul of Lane County for 50 years, and this community has benefitted from every minute of his service. St. Vinnie’s mission is “to assist the poor and those in need of consolation, seeking out and utilizing every resource.” A big believer in public-private partnerships, McDonald writes that St. Vinnie’s retail and manufacturing streams evaporated during the pandemic, but “we’ve largely built back that business” with the help of a generous giving public. St. Vinnie’s has developed more than 1,600 units of affordable housing and will add 55 more for low-income local residents before year’s end. We wonder what happens when McDonald decides to retire?
• “Finding Fairness in Wages” is the City Club of Eugene topic for Nov. 12. Speakers are Henry Fields, Oregon Employment Department economist; Sarah Kalloch, executive director of Good Jobs Institute; and Megan Pratt, coordinator, Oregon Childcare Research Partnership. This program will air on the City Club Facebook and YouTube pages starting noon Friday. We’re wondering when the pandemic will allow the City Club to meet in person for lunch? We appreciate all they’ve done to keep the conversation going and it will be nice to do it in person again!