Stephenson For Labor Commissioner

While the races for congress and governor dominate the election conversation, there is another crucial race on your ballot in the May primary — Oregon labor commissioner. In a crowded field, Christina Stephenson stands head and shoulders above the rest. I’m voting for Stephenson, and I hope you will, too.

I first met Stephenson in 2015 at the Progressive Change Campaign Committee’s national candidate training. We made up a strong Oregon contingent that also included progressive leaders Sen. James Manning and Rep. Teresa Alonso Leon. From our first encounter, I was impressed by Stephenson’s ability to clearly communicate her commitment to the principles of fairness and justice for all — two major responsibilities of the office of Labor Commissioner.

I think Stephenson will perform admirably as our next labor commissioner, but don’t just take my word for it. Her campaign is endorsed by organizations on the forefront of the movement for working families in Oregon, like UFCW Local 555, Oregon AFSCME and the Oregon AFL-CIO. She is supported by Lane County leaders you know and trust, including Congressman Peter DeFazio, Rep. Paul Holvey, County Commissioner Laurie Trieger and incumbent Labor Commissioner Val Hoyle.

As a civil rights attorney and small business owner, Stephenson understands that Oregonians who work hard and play by the rules deserve the opportunity to build a better life. If you value fairness for workers and a level playing field for responsible businesses, then join me in voting Stephenson for labor commissioner.

Chris Wig


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