Cycling To Creswell

In response to Don Richey’s 5/5 letter in EW (“November is Coming for Eugene Libs”), I am one of those bicycle huggers, yet not all that much a true lib. I do hope to see the day when the river bike path runs along the south side of the Willamette from the Frohnmayer Footbridge to the Knickerbocker Bicycle Bridge, through Glenwood and on to Mount Pisgah.

The 5/5 EW also featured the restaurant scene in Creswell. My riding mate and I scoped out a back road route from Eugene to Creswell doing a map recon. The proposed ride goes up Fox Hollow Road and over to Camas Swale via Murdock Road. Unfortunately, Murdock Road, a public road, is blocked by an expensive and, I believe, illegal gate.

The county is in the process of creating a bicycle master plan. I hope opening the route from Murdock Road to Camas Swale for at least bicycle access is considered.

Michael Ryan 


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