Let’s Build A City Jail

If any of you are tired of our streets being overrun with drug addicts and criminals, then it is time we start seriously thinking about building a Eugene jail.

Take a look at what Springfield has done. Springfield streets are nothing like they were 15 years ago. In Springfield, since the jail was built, the streets are clear and criminals know that if they trespass, commit a property crime or get busted selling drugs, they will go to jail. This is a great deterrent. 

A jail could also serve as a form of rehab. If an addicted person goes to jail they are forced to take a break from their daily routine and then maybe they can start thinking clearly and re-evaluate their lives.

Talk to any law enforcement officer and they will agree.

What we need is our local government to start talking about building a Eugene jail. I know it will be expensive. I, for one, would vote “Yes” immediately. 

There must be accountability and punishment, or things in this fair city will continue to decline. I’ve lived in Eugene over 50 years, and this is the first time in my life I’ve actually been embarrassed about my city. We the people can clean up our streets. 

John Carlson 


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