The Future Is Fossil Fuel Free. Get Over It.

The Eugene City Council on March 14 approved five traffic corridors (Highway 99, River Road, Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard via downtown, Coburg Road and 30th Avenue to Lane Community College) to improve transportation options and increase safety. Most of us don’t like change, but we’ve all had our taste of the future in the past two or three years and we don’t like it. Why can’t it be 2019 again?

Well, we all know that ain’t gonna happen. So, strap on your bike helmet, get your bus pass and a new pair of walking shoes. Yes, we’re getting away from fossil fuels. That means all of us need to do our part to get around in part or entirely without a car. I know the bus sucks, but that’s only because enough of you haven’t ridden it and complained to the Lane Transit District. I know, you’d rather pretend to be a traffic engineer and petition to recall a councilor for doing the right thing. You need to drive less is the bottom line. Just ask any kid, as the future belongs to them, not you.

Richard Hughes


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